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"Come along children! We need to hurry before the adoption center gets crowned!". It was a nice Saturday morning so I wanted to get the pets early. I'm going out tonight so I wanted to spent as much time with my babies as possible. "Ready!".

"Don't y'all look adorable!"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Don't y'all look adorable!". I pinch their cheeks. "I get the feeling that she's coping me". San said. "Think whatever you want, I'm cuter". Sanna winks. "Hmm". San raised his brow and walks out the house. "Ha! Loser!". Sanna laughed. "He only walked away because he was about to say something he shouldn't, you should know that Sanna". I said.

"Aww... He does have a heart". Sanna chuckled. "Leave your brother alone and let's go". I grabbed her hand and went to the outside. "I'm going get my puppy! I'm going get my puppy". Sanna sings in the car. "I added a new rule". I spoke up. "Of course you did". San sighs. "What is it?". Sanna asked. "I want you two to keep your grades up".

They both groaned and I chuckled. "That's SO easy". San grins. "I thought it was going to be something difficult". Sanna said. "I know right!". San huffs. "I'm hurt". I pouted and Sanna gasped. "Look what you did San!". She yelled. "Me?!?". San shouts. "Settle down". I told them. "And were here". I parked the car and they flew out. "Great".

I watched them run away the adoption center trying to find their favorite pet. "Mum! Mum! I found the one I like!". I heard Sanna yelling and I went to her. "Look!". Sanna grabs my hand and points to a dog.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Can I have this one?". She asked. "Of course baby". I pat her head and called over the worker. "Yes sir?". She said. "I would take this dog please". I smiled. "Of course, is that all?". She asked. "Oh n...". "Nope". San grabs me and pulls me away. "Look at that".

 "Look at that"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Oh he's beautiful!". I said. "I know". San said smugly. "This one as well?". The lady said. "Yes, thank you". I bow. "No problem". The lady looks at me. "Your kids are beautiful". She whispers and walks away. "She was a tip". San says next to me. "San". I hissed his name. "What? I'm right". San shrugs and goes to seat next to Sanna.

Going back home was loud. Sanna was playing with her dog, which she named Misha and San was petting his cat which he name Noya. "Remember, Zai is coming over to babysit you two". I had to remind San not Sanna. "I know!". Sanna cheers then hits San. "Why?". San says not looking at her.

"Don't embarrassed me". Sanna scoffed. San glanced at her then closed his eyes. "No promises". San said. I laughed at them. I parked in the garage and Sanna ran out the car with her dog. "Come on Misha! Let's go to me room!". Sanna says running in the house. "So... Girl or boy?". San looks at me. "I... Don't know?". I wondered.

They were playing with their pets and I was getting ready to leave and waiting for Zai. I heard a tap on the window and giggled.

I shook at head at Zai

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I shook at head at Zai. I waved at him and went to let him in. "Hello Zai". I hug him. "Sup... Is she sleeping?". Zai looks around. "Yes". I lied to him. "Thank g...". "Zai is here!". I yelled and Sanna quickly attaches herself to him. "Behave!". I shouted and ran out the house.


Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat