Darren's pov 3

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Taehyung and Jungkook looked shocked to see me. "I'm waiting". I hissed. "Umm...". Taehyung looked tongue tied. Then everything came together all at once. "YOU WERE SPYING ON JIMIN!?!". I screamed.

"No! It not like that!". Taehyung yelled. I marched right up to Taehyung but Jungkook jumped in front and I maced him. "AHH!". Jungkook drops to his knees. "Kookie!". Taehyung tried to go to him but I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. "You were spying on Jimin". I repeated coldly.

I felt something being pressed against my head and I glance at the man. "Get off him". He demanded. "You're adorable if you think I'm scared of you". I giggled. I faced him smirking. "It should be pointing here". I moved the gun to the middle of my forehead. "There, now shoot". I laughed. The mans eyes widened and I chuckled.

"Hmm... What's the matter?". I asked. "You were all high and mighty and now I give you the chance to kill me and your not doing it?". I said. "That gun is a waste in your hands". I quickly disarmed him and he looks at me stunned. "Sad". I huffed but the man laughs. "You're so... Huh?". The man was looking for something.

"Looking for this?". I waved the other gun in the air. "Ho...". "Street rule number one, everyone knows this". I said pointing both guns at him. "Dar...". "Shut up Tae!". I shouted. "Y-you just spat on Jimin's feelings". I said. "And after all the things Maia said about him and what Jimin's been through your here with his ex, having the time of your life!". I yelled.

"And you". I gave a look of hate to Jimin's ex. I walked closer to him and slapped him as hard as I could. "You have NO real idea what you did to him!". I shouted. "Jimin walked around soulless and no expression AT all! We all thought that he had depression but he didn't, he was that broken because of what YOU did to him!". I yelled.

"Dar...". "Shut up before I shoot you Tae!". I barked. "Jimin closed his heart for SO long because of you! He claims that he was still in love with you but that's bullshit! He just didn't want his heartbroken again! What the hell did you do to break him like that!". I shouted. The man said nothing and I started crying. "Jimin was a mess". I cried holding myself.

"Darren". Taehyung tries to come to but I didn't want him to. "Don't touch me!!!". I threw the gun at his leg, luckily he dodged. "Darren! Let me talk please!". Taehyung begged. "Fuck... You". I said coldly. "Fuck everyone last one of you". I said. "None of you will go near Jimin again". I said and almost broke the door storming out.

I went straight to Hoseok's house after that. I just needed to calm down. Everything was seating on my chest taking my air away and I couldn't take it anymore. I rung his bell and waited for him to come.

 I rung his bell and waited for him to come

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"Oh, hey babe what's up?". Hoseok said and I immediately started crying. "Darren!". Hoseok hugs me. "What happened?". He asked darkly. "Everything and I can't tell anyone but you". I hiccuped. "I understand just please stop crying". Hoseok says softly. "Come on, I'll make you some tea". He said. "With caramel". I sniffed. "With caramel".

 "With caramel"

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I was wiping my face still crying while Hoseok was making me some tea. 'I should have known earlier'. I thought. 'Tae practically begged to go with us to that hotel'. I put my head down. "I'm such a idiot". I whispered. "No, whoever made you cry is the idiot". Hoseok says placed a mug in front of me. "So babe... Who do I have to murder?".

I told him everything about Essa and about Taehyung. "Are they still there?". He asked. "I don't know, I'm here with you Hobi". I gigged. "Tsk, I want to stab them". Hoseok said. "Did you tell Jimin yet?". He asked. "What! I can't tell Jimin this!". I yelled. "You need to otherwise Jimin will find out his self and it won't look good for you". Hoseok said.

I clicked my tongue and sipped my tea. "I'll tell him about Essa but not about Tae, he will be crushed if I do". I said. "I can tell him". Hoseok said. "You're to blunt". I sassed. "Meh, I tried". Hoseok shrugged and I kissed his cheek. "You're so cute". I said. "Whatever". He rolled his eyes. "Now, go lay down". Hoseok said.

"Huh? But I'm not sleepy, I'm just upset". I replied. "That's not why I told you that". I saw the way he was looking at me. "Ho...". "Go!". He ordered and I ran away excited.

"Don't make me wait!".

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