TaeHyung's pov

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The week was going by fast. It was already Thursday and I would be excited about that but I wasn't. Why? Because of....

"Tae baby!".


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Him. He's been coming back everyday since he came with Jimin. All he's been doing was trying to flirt with me and give me presents. I just want him to leave me alone. I would call Jimin or Maia but their lunch breaks were over.

Jungkook must have known about their schedule because he always come in when their lunch was over. 'Don't give him any attention Tae, just do your job'. I tell myself this all the time but it doesn't work. I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and froze up.

"You smell nice". I can feel Jungkook's breath at the back of my neck and I shivered. "I have that effect on people". Jungkook chuckled then he went quiet. 'What is he...'. "Ah!". He kissed my neck. "That wa...". He didn't even finish because I stomped on his foot. "Fuck!". Jungkook started hopping and I laughed.

"I told you to stop touching me". I hissed. "But why!". He whined. "I don't like you". I said. "You don't even know me to dislike me baby". Jungkook said. "Well your touching is making me hate you". I rolled my eyes and went to clean the tables. "Can I help?". Jungkook asked. I looked at him with a confused face. "Knock yourself out". I said.

"O...". "But I'm only giving you my thanks, don't ask for anything else". I added. "Your no fun". He said then went quiet. I knew exactly what he was doing. "Stop staring at my ass". I hissed. "Your ass is staring at me". Jungkook laughs. 'Someone help me'. I groaned silently. "So about that date". Jungkook said. "I told you no". I sigh.

"Why!?!". Jungkook yelled. "Because its my choice and I said no". I said. "How about a getaway?". Jungkook said. "How about you go away". I sassed. 'I'm hanging around Jimin to much'. I giggled. Jungkook wrapped his arms around me again. "Please". He whispered in my ear. 'Don't cave in Tae! Your stronger then this'.

I took a deep breath. "Let me go". I ordered but he tightens his grip but it didn't hurt. "No". He said. "Jun...". "What is this?". Jungkook and I jumped away from each other.

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"Yoongi". I said. Yoongi didn't give me any attention, his eyes went straight to Jungkook. "Who is this?". Yoongi asked me. "You couldn't ask me yourself". Jungkook hissed. "You fuck off". Yoongi huffs. "Tae". Yoongi looks at me. "Jungkook". I answered. "Who the fuck are you?". Jungkook asked. "His boyfriend". Yoongi smiled.

I saw Jungkook's face drop. "Oh... So-sorry". Jungkook says in a hurt voice. 'Why does he sound so hurt?'. I asked myself. "I'll leave". Jungkook said. "Yeah you do that". Yoongi said. Jungkook left without another word and I watched him confused but also sad for some reason. "He likes you". Yoongi says and I look at him.

"No, he doesn't, he just like teasing me". I said feeling hurt after I said that. I know Yoongi was staring at me but I paid it no mind. 'Why do I feel sad? He was just toying with me... Right?'. I had my head down feeling my eyes tear up. "I have to use the bathroom". I ran and my tears fell on their own.

Yoongi sighs watching his best friend run off to cry in the bathroom. He took out a notepad, writes something down and leaves.

I came back from the bathroom looking for Yoongi but he wasn't in here anymore. "Where...". I saw a note on the counter and I picked it up.

"Don't be scared to let someone in Tae".

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now