Yoongi's pov 2

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'Oh shit, this is it, this is where they hate me for the rest of my life'. I already thought of the worst. "In my defense... I just learned that a week ago". I said waiting for them to scream at me but they just stared at me. "DADDY!!!". Sanna cries and hugs me.

"Um...". I pat her back hesitatingly. "We're the same damn person!". San paced back and front. "Hey, watch your mouth". I scolded. "Dams keep water in, you just assumed I cursed because they sound the same but I can assure you that I, did not curse". San grins.

I stared at him. "See, your my son cause I said the EXACT same thing at your age". I laughed. "So... That didn't work on you?". San smiles nervously. "No, it didn't". I said. "Sanna's a bad influence on me". San says. "What!". Sanna shouted. "Dad, he's lying! He's a very bad student, you should ground him". Sanna smirks.

"Swag". San said. "Swag". I repeated. "He wouldn't even let me talk to Eiji". Sanna pouted. "The hell is a Eiji?". I questioned. "See... That's not a name, it sounds like a type of eel". San huffs. "Eiji is a good g...". "A boy? Out of the question". I said. "What?". Sanna looks up at me. "You should see him, no swag or hoop game". San scoffs.

"He doesn't even have the two major elements? He's not boy material for you Sanna". I said. "Someone that agrees with me, your alright pops". San said. "Alright... what's the plan?". San asked. "Plan?". I look at him. "For you and mum, the get to together plan, what do I have to do?". San asked.

"I don't ha...". "I do!". Sanna giggles. "Do tell sis". San said. "Tell I shall bro". Sanna grins. "We can lock them in a room". Sanna says. "Mum is claustrophobic". San says. "He is?". I asked. "Yeah... Some high school incident pretty much ruined him". San replied. 'The elevator'. I thought.

"I forgot". Sanna said. "Don't worry dad, I'll think of something". Sanna said. "Thanks". I said. "But in the mean time". Sanna made grabby hands. "She wants your phone". San said. "Ah". I gave her my phone and she's takes it. "Now... You have mines and San's number". She said. "Ana". San hands her his phone.

"What now?". I said. "She's putting your number in my phone so I can bug you". San grins. "Can't wait". I groaned. "Me either". San snickers. "We'll call you soon but we have to go, I need to play with Misha". Sanna said. "Misha?". I said. "She's my dog". Sanna said. "You have a dog? Nice". I told her.

"You can't be serious". San said. "What?". I look at him. "Dogs are SO much work". San groans and I laughed. "I have a cat, his name is Noya". San said. "That's a cool name". I said. "I'm cool that's why". San says slyly and I laughed. "I wanted a pony but mum wasn't going to get me one". Sanna pouts. "I'll get you a pony". I said.

"Ahhh!!! Best dad ever! I'll take care of it! I promise!". Sanna squeals. "I'm not, so have fun". I chuckled. "Eek!". Sanna jumps and down. "I'm calling all my friends to rub it in their faces". Sanna runs off. "If she's getting a pony, then I want a lizard". San said. "Done". I said.

"I'm going to ring you dry old man". San laughs. "See you later!". San waves and runs to a car where Sanna got into and I watched then drive off. "They wasn't even made at me". I held my chest thankful for that. "Now... To visit my hideout".

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Jimin and I brought this house together when we were in high school. This was a perfect place to have a family but that crushed and burned. Now, I just come here to be remembered of the good times we had together because that's all I wanted to remember. The good times, not the bad.

 The good times, not the bad

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I haven't been here in a while but I knew something was off. 'Someone's here'. I took out my gun and started looking around. I went in the living and saw my table broke and one of my pictures on a shelf. 'Someone picked the wrong house'. I slowly made my way upstairs.

And up there was a surprise.

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now