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"Hahahahaha!". I was laughing a little to hard when Dylan and I arrived at Loir's first. "Their faces! Oh my god!". I forgot that I can't see when I laugh, you know, small ass eyes. So when I felt like I was about to fall, I grabbed whatever I can in order not to... And I grabbed Dylan.

The word embarrassed isn't a big enough word to use at this moment. "I am so sorry!". I tried to move away from him but he pulled me closer to him. "Oh". I looked up at him and he was staring at me. "Dylan?". I called out. He didn't say anything and his hand went to my cheek.

'Panicking!'. My heart was beating so fast that America can here it. "You could have gotten hit". Dylan whispered in my ear. "Wh...". I realized that we were near the curb. "Tha-thank you". I said blushing. "Were you expecting something?". He asked. "What!?! No!". I yelled. "Liar". Dylan scoffed. "If I wanted to kiss you, I would have been did that and I'm very tempted too". Dylan said.

"Tem...". "YOU FUCKING WHORES!". We heard Darren's loud voice and laughed. "Don't laugh! I'm not paying for shit!". He shouted. "I purposely left my wallet". Darren smirked. "Guess you don't eat". Dylan said. "I'm paying for Jimin". Dylan grins and they groaned.

"Jimin, I also left mines, let your boyfriend pay for me". Maia says pouting. "No". I hissed. Maia did her creepy grin and I didn't know why. "What?". I said looking at her. "No-thing". Maia giggled. "Ok?". I look her up and down. "Now come on, I'm hungry, I didn't eat anything". I hissed towards Maia. "Ooh... Forgot to clean that". She said.

"I'm going to have ants! I'll kill you!". I tried to grab her but Dylan grabs me. "She's a girl Jimin". He said. "I'm a girl on the inside!". I yelled. "Sure". Dylan threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down!". I started hitting his back. "I'll hit your butt since your hitting me". Dylan said and I shut myself up. "Good".

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"Ta...". We saw Taehyung pressed against a wall getting roughly kissed by someone. "Tuddles!". I screamed and Taehyung pushed the guy away from him. "Stop calling me that! Its not cute anymore!". Taehyung yelled. "Yes it is". I giggled. "That shit hurt babe!". I looked down and groaned.

 I looked down and groaned

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"Do I have to call the cops?". I asked Tae. "N-no!". Taehyung shakes his head. "Umm... We're dating". Taehyung went red and I laughed. "But you can call them if he hurts me". Taehyung said. "Won't need to, I'll kill him". Maia said. "Why does everyone hate me!". Jungkook yelled. "I don't... Know you". Dylan said making me laugh.

"I don't know you either?". Jungkook says confused. "Or you". He pointed to Hoseok. "Or you". He looks at Darren. "This is Darren, my other best friend". I told him. "Oh my god... There's more of y'all!". Jungkook says rubbing his head. "Fuck you mean! With you half rabbit and half bunny looking ass! I know how to cook both!". Darren yells.

"This is Hoseok, my neighbor and Darren's boyfriend". I said. "Hey". Hoseok says coolly. "See you...". "Talk to Darren like that again and I will hurt you". Hoseok says smiling the whole time. "Your so good to me". Darren snuggled up to Hoseok. "And th-this i-is Dylan". I'm so embarrassing.

"Why you blushing?". Jungkook blurted out and I wanted to run. "Leave him alone Jungkook". Maia sass. "Fine". Jungkook huffs. "We came for food Tae!". Darren cheers. "Of course y'all did". TaeHyung laughed. "And don't worry, I'll think of a nickname for you too". Darren grins and went to seat somewhere with his boyfriend.

"Please... Don't". Taehyung slowly walks to the kitchen. "I'll order". Dylan says to me and I nodded. "Thank you". I said. "No problem". He winks and leaves. "Jimin". I glanced towards to Maia, ready for her to tease me but she didn't. "You remember Suna right?". She asked. "Suna? Reno's sister?". I said and Maia nods. "He's missing". She said.

"Missing?". I gasped. "She texted me and said she hasn't heard from him since the time we saw him". Maia said. "Oh god". I said. "She's worried sick, you haven't seen him since right?". Maia asked. "I haven't". I said and Maia sighs. "I'll call Suna and see if she's ok". Maia says and goes to the bathroom.

I watched Maia leave feeling like something was wrong. Like something bad happened to him.

And I didn't want to be right.

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now