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While Zai and I were waiting for our food we started talking about dumb shit.

"So you just left her there?". I asked. Zai just told me about his first date with Maia and how it was a disaster. "I didn't!". Zai yelled. "That's not what she told me". I sipped the tea he got for me. "Oh! This is delicious!". I drink it again. "Vanilla rose". Zai said. "My new fave". I smiled. "I aim to please". Zai said and we laughed. "Your food".

I look at TaeHyung who looked livid for some reason. "Tae, what's wrong?". I asked. "Huh? Oh nothing so-sorry". Taehyung puts our food on the table and quickly runs away. "Weird". Zai said. "Leave him alone". I giggled and stole chicken from Zai's plate. "Seriously?". He said. "You knew what this was". I laughed.

We talked and talked, its been a minute since we talked like this. "Its been a while since we talked like this hasn't it?". Zai asked. "It has actually, we need to talk more often, Darren and Maia are fucking crazy". I giggled then gasped. "What?". Zai tilts his head. "I just realized that I got some dirt on Darren". I smirked.

Zai sat right next to me and I laughed. "I'm listening". Zai grins. "He's dating my neighbor". I saw him a picture that I took of them. "Hoseok!". Zai yelled. "Eh? You know him?". I asked. "Yeah, he was my best friend in college". He replied. "Was?". I said. "I don't know what happen, we talked one day then the next he was gone".

I saw the hurt look on his face so I had to hug him. "I know he didn't mean it and I know you know that, just talk to him one day ok Z". I rub his back. "You're such a softie". Zai sigh and I pushed him away from me. "Fuck you Zai". I growled. "Cute". He pinched my cheek. "Just eat, I have a bitch to piss off". I said. "Umm who?". He asked. "Maia".


"And why is my wife a bitch?". Zai hissed. "Because she's mine duh, you should know this by now". I sent Maia a picture of Darren and Hoseok with the text that said payback and I laughed my ass off. Maia quickly texted me back and I didn't answer her.

"You're so mean, you know I have to deal with this when I go back home right?". Zai said. "So solve it, its your problem". I grin. "Lets go pay and I want other vanilla rose tea". I got up. "And you realize I mean you right?". I tap his cheek. "I know". Zai marched over to Taehyung and I skip to him laughing.

"Tuddles! He's here to pay and can I get a vanilla rose tea to go?". I asked. "Of course Jimin". Taehyung smiles. "Make it a large". I smirked at Zai. "I'm being financially abuse". Zai says pulling out his wallet. "But you love me". I poke his arm. "What is your definition of love?". Zai asked. "Your money". I laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha". Zai throws two hundred on the counter and leaves. "Hey! I'm still waiting for my tea you jerk!". I yelled. "He-here you go Jimin". Taehyung hands me my tea. "Thank you Tae! See you later! Zai! You bastard!". I ran after him.

Taehyung was feeling terrible for Yoongi. "I told him he waited to long to get him back but he never listens to me and Zai? he is stunning". Taehyung says to his self. "Sorry Yoongi but Jimin did a manger upgrade". Taehyung giggles. "But...".

"I'll help you anyway I can".

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now