Man's Best Friend (Matsu Bros x Shiba Inu! reader)

Start from the beginning

After talking about when and where Totoko left with a kiss on Osomatsu's cheek. Osomatsu lays a hand on his cheek and looks down at me. I just smile and stand up to walk to him as he beckons me forward. He kneels down and pets my head. "I guess you did understand." I nod and bark softly "yep." He smiles and nuzzles my fluffy head

"Thank you y/n. You're a good girl."
Boy's age 24

I was walking around the house when I saw Karamatsu with his head down on the living room table. He back was shaking and I heard his whimpers. I walk over and nudge his side. He lifts his head and turns to look at me. He had been crying and I whine before licking his face. "Heh. I'm okay y/'s just my brothers..thank you for caring you sweet girl." I whine and nuzzle his face before placing my paw on his shoulder and pull him into a hug.

I hear him sob softly before hugging me back and burying his face into my fur. I nuzzle my face into his head, pulling away slightly to lick his tears away. He chuckles and scratches my head. "Thank you y/n." I walk over to his guitar laying on the floor and nudge it with my paw. He smiles and picks up the guitar, sitting down in front of me to play.

He became to play a simple tune as I howl with the music. I love when he plays guitar and he seems happy that I love to listen and "sing" along with him. When he finishes he hugs me.

"You are a sweetheart. Thank you."

I was sitting outside waiting for Choromatsu. I was his turn to take me for a walk but he had a concert to go to. Some Idol named Nyaa-chan so I stayed like a good dog while he had his fun. Now I should say I don't have a collar with a tag. No I have a scarf that is the 6 colors of the brothers hoodies. I loved the scarf it was much better fitting than I collar would be.

As I was sitting a little boy came up to me and started to pet me. I lean in to his touch and wag my tail. He smiles and scratches under my muzzle. Then his father showed up he looked very nice as he says "well aren't you a beautiful dog." and pets me. "Dad I want a dog like this one." His son says and I lick his face. He may have been a stranger but he was so nice to me.

I saw the dad look at my neck before looking around. He then reaches down and picks me up. I was confused to say the least. Then he started to walk off and I panic. Choromatsu was counting on me staying put I couldn't leave. So I squirm and whine. Then I saw Choromatsu leave the building and immediately look around frantically. So I bark loud "Choromatsu! I'm over here!"

Hearing my bark he turns and the anger on his face scared me as he rushes up. "OI! Put her down!" He yells and both the father and son stop. They turn around and they father gave Choromatsu a look while Choromatsu glares. "What do you mean put her down?" The father asks "That's my dog. Put her down now." Choromatsu says trying to stay calm as I whine softly.

"Oh really? Can you prove that she's yours?"

Choromatsu smirks "well that scarf could be proof enough that she does belong to someone but yes I can prove she is mine. Put her down." The man complies and places me down. Choromatsu bent down and pats his knees "y/n. Jump." I nod and carefully jump into his open arms, nuzzling my face into his neck, and basically hugging him. I pull away and lick his cheek.

"Good you can see she is my dog. Bye bye." Choromatsu says before turning to leave still holding me. He reaches up to scratch my ears with a smile.

"I'm never gonna leave you alone again. Sorry y/n." I just lick his face and he laughs before setting me down.

"Come on girl. Let's go home."

Ichimatsu was sick. He looked miserable too but because his brothers wanted him to rest they kept me out of their bedroom. Though being the smart dog I am I push my way through the door. Sure enough he looked absolutely miserable. I walk over and lightly nudge his face. He groans and opens his eyes. He smiles weakly and reaches out to pet my head.

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