Chapter 79: She Was Back

Start from the beginning

"There you have it," said Tenesha. "Well girls, I have to say because I'm being told to say it and not because I wanna put any of you on the spot. There are a lot of rumors floating around and you're here to shut them down, yes?"

"Yes," said Leila. "Ask away."

"Let's start with you then," she said, reading from her cards. "Leila, the world wants to know the truth. Were you or were you not at some point a sex worker?"

"I was not," Leila said. "Never."

"Are you lying?" asked Tenesha.

"No, I really was never," Leila said, trying not to look as frustrated as she felt.

"Moving on then," Tenesha said, turning to Zoe. "Zoe, do you think Sid Nelson would make a good president?"

"Hell no," Zoe said plain and simply. Some of the audience clapped, others laughed. 

"Why not?"

"Because he's a terrible, terrible man," Zoe told them. "That's why. And everybody knows why it's just some people choose not to believe him. That's on them."

"Great answer," Tenesha said, turning to Kayli. "Kayli, you probably know what's coming."

"I think so," she said nervously, making the audience laugh.

"Is Ugly Heart about your breakup with Gus Bukhari?" Tenesha asked.

"It's not not about it," Kayli answered.

Tenesha gave her a knowing look and winked at the audience, then turned to Shana. "Alright, final question," she said. Shana braced herself. There were a lot of rumors floating around her and she wasn't sure which one they would ask about now. "Is it true," Tenesha asked, "that this is you're working on a solo album?"

"Absolutely not true," Shana said, a little relieved that the question was unrelated to her relationship. "I have been doing some solo projects, like collaborations and such outside of the group, which the girls are aware about obviously. But we're a team and plan on staying one. None of us are working on solo albums. The only album we care about is our new album, The Cure, which comes out Friday, so make sure to check that out!"

"There you have it," Tenesha said. "When we come back, we will play a fun game with Rhythmix. Stay tuned!"


"Wow, that sounds incredible," John said, sitting on the edge of his desk and bouncing a small ball on the wall while his phone sat on speaker beside him. "I'm really glad you shared with me."

"If we do this right," Travis responded, "it could be huge. For everyone involved but also, you know, the cultural impact and stuff would be important. A lot of people would be touched by it."

"Of course, I understand," John agreed. "I'm on board. A hundred percent."

"Thanks man," Travis said, chuckling. "I don't know why I was anxious calling you to ask for this."

"No need to be," John said as his door opened and the Sabrina, his therapist, poked his head in. "Let me put you on hold for a second."

He clicked a button on his phone and looked up at Sabrina, who said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Your session is starting and..."

She pointed a thumb behind her and John quickly said, "Give me about ten minutes and I'll be there."

Sabrina nodded and excused herself while John returned to the phone call.


Down the hall, Mandy was in the board room, pacing back and forth as her artists fought right in front of her.

It's Not Over Yet (the seventh book in the glee series)Where stories live. Discover now