Such A Flirt (Jason Todd x Reader)

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"It'll get better sweetie, keep your head up!" He smiles.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks B," I reply.

I quickly get out to the car and place my food on the passenger seat and the now half-empty coffee cup into the cup holder. The drive home is quick and in only a matter of minutes, I am able to flop inside my front door. I pull off my scrubs and remove the items I stuffed in my pockets while working. I throw the items in a sealed bag and put my scrubs into the washer. I sterilize my hands once more and head straight to the shower. Although my tired body needs sleep, there is no way in hell I'm taking the chance of bringing anything like MRSA to bed or spreading it around my apartment. I step out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. The hairs on my arms rise and small bumps form causing me to frown in confusion. I remember closing all the windows this morning, I shouldn't be shivering. But to investigate in my current clothing state would be embarrassing if my suspicions are correct. I jog into my room and quickly change into some suitable clothing. I slowly creep into the lounge room, looking around for any intruders or open windows.

"Who's there?!" I yell out.

At first, I didn't notice it. But as I lower my head in suspicion of the stillness in the room, I stagger back at the sight of the red liquid on the floor. My eyes follow the trail, almost forcefully, like it has a mind of its own as some would say. Every limb in my body screams for me to run. I don't listen though. I find a man lying on the ground, breathless but still alive. I caught by surprise, almost recoiling in shock. I immediately recognise the red helmet which conceals the man's identity causing a small gasp to escape my lips. I drop to my knees and turn his body, taking off the helmet so that I can clearly see his face. He has smooth flawless skin. His eyes are hidden by a red domino mask laying beneath the tuft of white hair which makes up his fringe. His soft sharp lips are very attractive and captivating. Each time he drops by it's because he's injured, but it's never been as bad as the ones which mark his body tonight.

I sprint into my kitchen, grabbing the medical kit I keep in the cabinet. I rush back out to Red Hood and begin administering the first aid that he needs. There is a deep wound sliced in the flesh of his upper arm and the bullet wound in his shoulder is a mess. Its as if he'd been hit with two different kinds of weapon at once. There is the usual dark red hole which oozes blood thickly, but also various different tiny wounds – most likely shrapnel. His blood has soaked through his body armour and now radiates outwards. The bright red of his blood had darkened, taking on a brownish hue. I strip all the fabric away to show the extent of his injuries. I grab some of the spare alcohol I have and pour it on his wounds, jumping back as he jerks awake, pointing his gun at me. His lips fall open slightly when he realises it is just me then he put the guns back, murmuring an apology.

"You know darlin', you're gonna need to figure out a way of waking me up that doesn't include throwing vodka on me, I'm gonna shoot you one day," He remarks.

"You know darlin', you're gonna need to stop getting hurt then," I mock.

I search for the pain killers in my kit only to find two pills of ibuprofen. I shove it in his hands and look around for the water bottle which I usually keep in here but find nothing. When my attention is turned back to him, he's drinking the remaining vodka.

"Oh my god stop! That's not healthy!" I exclaim.

"Sweetheart, I run around at night and catch criminals. Not to mention that I died when I was fifteen. Do you really think that's healthy?" He laughs.

"You seriously need therapy," I sigh.

"Been there, done that." He laughs.

I hold my hand to the slash on his arm, but no matter the pressure I apply the blood still gushes between my fingers and ooze under my hand. There is a tenseness to my muscles that makes working on Red's injuries much harder than it usually is. My brain seems to be a violent whirl of stupidity, trying to organize the chaos which occurred on his body.

"How the hell does this not hurt?" I ask in slight horror.

"I've had worse sweetheart, I just need you to fix it," He replies.

"I'm doing my best!" I exclaim.

This isn't like me at all, I'm usually calm and collected when working on my patients but something about Red creates more pressure on me than usual. I stitch up the deeper wounds and apply pressure with sterile gauze and bandages. I notice that he bites his bottom lip each time I apply pressure on his wounds but he stays quiet, unlike many other patients today. Blood soaks through the bandages which cover the worse injuries causing me to cover them with another few bandages to apply even more pressure.

"You know, if I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase: So I could unzip your genes," He flirts.

A laugh comes from me like a newly sprung leak - timid at first, stopping and starting. But I can tell by the way he half bites his lip and smirks that he isn't quite done yet. I blow out a shaky breath before resuming first aid, I want to stay straight-faced but before I can stop myself my poker straight mouth twitch upwards and I am giggling despite myself.

"Better grab the AED... you're gonna made my heart stop," He continues.

"My God, you're such an asshole. Has anyone ever told you it's rude to flirt with your medic?!" I exclaim.

"I can find every pulse in your body and I'm used to staying up all night," He smirks.

I can't find my voice. My cheeks are flushed hot once more as he grabs me by the waist, pulling me up close against his chest and onto his lap. His hand gently glides through my hair, as he looks at me in a way that I hope he had never looked at a girl before. As a small but teasing smile creeps upon my face, goosebumps line my skin, not the kind that one gets in the cold, but the kind one gets when nothing else matters except right here, right now. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"What can I say, you've been inside me so many times, I'd like to return the favour." He smirks.

"Wha- dude! Picking bullets out of you isn't the same as- oh my god, you're the worst." I respond flustered.

I lean back in an awkward panic, falling off his lap and onto the floor. Unsure of how to respond while I cover my bright red face. He chuckles quietly, allowing me time to compose myself before lifting me back on to his lap. I can tell my cheeks are pink like a rose, the colour most likely not flattering against my (S/C). I clear my throat, hoping that my blush isn't as vibrant as if feels.

"I've uh, got some spare clothes if you want to stay for the night," I timidly murmur, pointing my thumb behind me in the direction of my room.

"You're not seeing other men behind my back, are you?" He jokes.

"Dude, we're not together." I laugh.

"Well, what do you call this?" He asks, gesturing to our arranged position.

"Helping out a friend," I smirk.

His lips press against mine. My eyes widen and it takes approximately one point three seconds to realise he's kissing me and a further three point eight seconds to realise that I'm kissing him back. My eyes flutter shut and in the darkness, I see light exploding. All I can focus on is his chapped lips. I can taste the metallic tang of blood but I don't care. We break apart, pressing our foreheads together and slightly gasping for air. His

"Mmm, totally friends." Red sarcastically whispers.

I remember when he first pulled me close, I could feel the warmth spreading throughout my body. My hands trembled and my lips hardly spoke. From then on, I wanted it to remain that way. I wanted my surroundings to vanish when he was around, I wanted myself to crave his touch and for him to crave mine. But at this moment in time when he touches me, I don't feel the galaxies collide. Now, his touch soothes me. It sets my internal chaos quiet. It fixes me and honestly, it's better than what I had hoped for.

"They're my brother's clothes," I inform him.

"Good to know," He nods.

"So, you staying?" I ask.

"If the doctor demands it," He retorts.

"I'll get you a change of clothes and make us some dinner then," I grin.

Warmth radiates from the spot where his lips touch my nose. I let my arms hang around his neck, resting on his shoulders.

"I love you," He whispers.

"Yeah, I love me too," I giggle.

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