Seungho {Chapter 81}

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Greeting him he greeted us back. 'Would you like to join too?' I asked still giggling. 'As long as I don't have to sit in the sun I'm fine.' He chuckled and walked along with us.

'What are the plans for today actually or do we don't have any?' Sitting back down we all got comfortable.

'I just got a call and apparently, Namjoon and Hoseok wanted to go have a nice dinner and after that maybe go do something else?' hearing BF/N almost gasp I looked over. 'Yes!!' She immediately agreed.

As it got later we went back inside and got dressed properly.

Jin and I were having a conversation as the rest were still upstairs. 'Do you actually know on which date we will be flying back?' He rubs his neck. 'Hm no. Yoongi talked about leaving early because of what happened yesterday be he wasn't sure.' Humming in response Jin smiled. 'What are you thinking of Thailand by the way?'

Smiling at him I answered. 'It's really nice here and the people are friendly but I would also like to go home.' Dropping my smile he nodded and laid his hand on my shoulder.

As time moved on it was time to head out for dinner.

Yoongi, Namjoon en Hoseok where already there because they headed straight there after business.

Walking into the restaurant we where chatting. I told our reservation name to the waiter and he brought us to our table. Seeing those three men sit at our table I kindly smiled at them. I sat at the other side of Yoongi with BF/N besides me.

As everyone sat down and got their drinks we started to chat again.

'I hate to kill the vide-' Yoongi chuckles and began to talk. 'But we are leaving next Monday. We're going home.' Kinda Smiling to excited at it I thought to myself "it's about time!"

'So we thought-' He looked over at Hoseok and Namjoon. 'That we could go out tonight to party one last time before going back to Serious business.' He winked at me as he looked over at the rest who were smiling and nodding in agreement, cheering to it.

We got a few drinks in the restaurant to prepare. I choose not to drink along with Namjoon so we could drive everyone home safely.

Arriving at the nightclub we have been going to these last couple of weeks they already recognized us.

Getting in I wasn't really feeling the mood but I danced it off.

Talking to a couple of people a guy started to hit on me making Yoongi chuckle and walk over to us. He kissed my lips and told me he was getting me a drink. (without alcohol of course.) The guy in front of me looked at me with big eyes as his shoulder was pulled back. Seeing a small girl who did it appear. She slapped his face and stormed off making me laugh and get back to the guys.

Dancing with Jimin he took my hand and danced more intimate with me but in a proper manner making us both smile. Tae and Jungkook clearly getting jealous. It made me chuckle as I could clearly see Jimin was a little tipsy. He always was the first one to get tipsy.

BF/N wasn't like me in these kinda things she only danced with me like this or with Hoseok otherwise she would keep it a little distant just like normal people do. But I like to go all out with friends because I knew it didn't bother Yoongi. Knowing I'm an outgoing girl he told me as long as you keep your boundaries it's fine by me.

As Gucci linen from Blackbear and 2 Chainz came on I locked my focus on Tae because he loves his Gucci. He knew the whole song making me impressed by his skills.

Getting a little tired I got back to the lounging era we had reserved.

There was a note on the table.
I got an important call. I'll get you a drink when I'm back inside.
Love Yoongi.

Taking out my phone I started to scroll through Instagram and other social media.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned around to see Yoongi with his and my drink in his hand. 'I knew you would return here before I was back.' He chuckled.

Taking my drink I thanked him as he sat next to me and threw his arm around my shoulders. 'Who called?' I asked over the music. 'Just an associate that wants to meet after we return.' Nodding I sipped on my drink.

Yoongi's POV;
Walking over to F/N and the bastard that was flirting with her I kissed her and told her I would get her a new drink as I saw she wasn't holding one anymore.

Almost reaching the bar my phone started to vibrate violently. Looking at the screen I saw FD/N appear on the screen.

Walking to the table I left a note knowing F/N wouldn't stay on the dance floor for long after I left.

"What does he want I gave him an update yesterday!?" Gridding my teeth I found my way outside to a place that was quiet.

'Hello?' I answered unfaced. 'Yoongi-' 'What do you want?' I asked as I clearly wasn't interested in this conversation already. 'It's me Seungho.' His voice sounded shaky.

'Where's your father?' My question made his breath uneasy. 'He got shot. They barged in here! Trying to take some stuff, they shot a lot of people.' 'Did you see there faces?' I asked. 'N-No there where three men I think. They just started to shoot and they hit my father's right hand too... He didn't survive it Yoongi.' Being harsh I knew I wouldn't have said the next thing.

'Why are you telling me this kid?' His voice cracked making a good and solid point in response. 'Because we are family now. R-rather you like it or not, you are dating the daughter of another gang leader.' Rubbing my temple I knew he was right.

'Tell me what happened to your dad.' I started to walk slowly. Looking around to see if no one was around.

'He is taken to the hospital but he is going to be fine he was shot in his lower side. There is no way an organ was hit, I've seen the location of the wound.' Nodding to myself I pinched the bridge of my nose. 'Keep me updated okay? But only say something when you are a hundred percent sure it's me on the other end of the line, okay.' 'Yes will do!' He answered me quickly.

'Now listen here kid.' I could hear his nervous peasing through the phone. 'Your dad wants to tell your sister. We had our own encounter with I think the same men at home yesterday. They are out for blood and a special your dads and my head.

You need to find out if it's someone you know~ if not it's someone that's out for us. Because of all this shit, we are heading home on Monday. So in 3 days, we will arrive back in Seoul. I want you there in my office alone without anyone knowing understand. My guards will be enlightened and I will get you the time later on.'

Being done rattling on he finally spoke. 'Of course mister Min! When are we gonna tell her? Yes, my father mentioned it to me indeed but he wasn't really speaking over the matter.' Thinking I answered. 'We'll call in a meeting later on.' I paused, it sounded like he had nothing to say anymore. 'And call me Yoongi.' With that, I ended the call.

Punching the wall I yelled out because I was sure nobody could hear me. 'For fuck sake!'


A hitmans girlfriend || Mafia au {m.yg}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora