Chapter 35

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  After our long visit at the hospital and Nicks long catch up with Spencer we finally got home and were beyond tired, The sun had set and the now dark sky was filled with bright stars.  I slowly slipped out of my clothes and changed into a white long sleeve v-neck shirt that came up short than the band of my navy short shorts.

“ hey Nick?” I questioned

“ Hmm?” He hummed from the couch. I walked out of the closet to see him laying on his back with is arm slung over his eyes. His shirt had ridden up slightly and it made him look like a model. I climbed on top of him and laid my head on his chest.

He wrapped the arm that wasn’t over his eyes around me.

“ what’s up smurf?” he asked. I shrugged and relaxed as I felt him running his hands through my hair.

“ How did you know what Robin had?” I questioned.

“ You know how I had extra classes on Saturday’s back home?”

“ Yeah?” I asked confused as to how that related to what I was asking.

“ I was taking medical classes.” He confessed while still running his fingers through my hair.

“ What for? Did you fail science or something?” I teased but still had the edge of curiosity behind it.

“ No, Tanner I did not fail.” He laughed. “ I was taking extra classes to get a head start on college.”

“ Oh. Well that’s cool. You’ll be out of college sooner.” I smiled against his chest while placing a kiss to his chest.

“ Which means ill be out sooner to be with you.” He smiled while blindly kissing my head.

“ I like the sound of that.” I whispered back and closed my eyes, relaxing as I felt his hands gliding through my hair.

“ Do you know more about what she has?” I asked desperate to know more of what young innocent Robin has.

“ All I know is it’s a very rare disease that affects her Spinal Cord and that’s she’s one of the youngest to have it.”

“ D-do you think she’ll be okay?” I managed to get out after much difficulty.

“ I think that Spencer is doing all he can for her and that shes in good hands.” He said with a frown, avoiding the topic on hand.

“ But do you think she’ll make it out alive?” I held my breath waiting for his answer.

“ I don’t know Tanner. I hope so I honestly do. But I don’t know.” He whispered while hugging me closer to his chest and trapping my head under his chin. I stared blankly a head with questions buzzing around like flies. Where are Robins parents? Why weren’t they there with their dying daughter on perhaps her last Christmas? What is the extent of her disease? How long does she have to live? Does she need a friend? Could I be that friend? Could I keep the promise I made to her? To visit again, at a chance of seeing her worse than she already was? I pressed my temples with my fingers in attempt to stop the questions  that kept on coming.

“ Nick? Tanner?” I heard Mrs. Marks question from the stair well. Her voice got closer with each step she took. “ Oh, there you are. How was your day dears?” She smiled while looking at us with apparent love and happiness. I quickly removed my hands from my temples and gave her a smile.

“ Good, we had fun with the kids.” Nick said while shifting his head towards his mom.

“ I knew you would. You guys are to perfect with kids. Just wait till you have your own. I bet you’ll get the best parents award.” She beamed with a wink to us. I flushed pink with embarrassment while Nick let out a chuckle.

“Mom, don’t embarrass tanner.”

“ Im sorry honey, I just cant wait to see little Tanners and Nicks running around. And not to mention me being the grandmother that spoils them. Oh I simply can not contain myself, I want a grand baby soon you know” She said with a wink.  My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

“ Sure thing mom, well get right on it!” Nick joked.

“ I wish you would.” I heard her mutter under her breath before putting a smile back on.

“ Well any who, your father is down stairs making his famous egg waffle things. Or whatever he calls those messy buggers. So be down in a few.” She said before blowing us kisses and making her way back down stairs. As soon as she left Nick let out a long hard laugh while I stared fearfully after his mother.

“ I sure hope she was joking about giving her grand children soon.”

“ Don’t worry Cutie. She was, there’s no way children are in the picture right now.” He reassured while rubbing my stomach with his thumb.  His sudden thought on children brought up the question that was in my mind sense we left the hospital.

“ Did Spencer happen to tell you if Robin had an family or not?”

“ I think he said she’s in a foster home right now.”

“ How is that possible? For her to get treatment I mean?”

“ Her parents left a fund for her before they abandoned her.” I gasped in shock and stared at Nick with disbelief.

“ They left her?” I cried with a tear slipping down my cheek. He nodded slowly while wiping my tear away with his thumb.

“ But- ho-how could they leave her all alone? To fend for herself. What kind of parent does that?!” I cried.

“ I don’t know sweetheart.” Nick said while rubbing my stomach trying to calm me down.

“ She’s all alone Nick.”

“ I know babe.” He whispered with sorrow.

“ She’s all alone.” I whispered barely audible.

“ I know.” Nick whispered back in the same tone.  We stayed silent for a while just curled up feeling sorrowful for Robin, whom was sitting all alone in the hospital tonight, waiting for death to consume her.

“ Guys! Foods getting cold.” Nicks father yelled from down stairs. I sighed suddenly not feeling very hungry.

“ Are you hungry?” Nick whispered sounding afraid of breaking our mournful silence.

“ Not really. I actually feel sick.” I confessed while closing my eyes.

“ Do you think you could get something down?”

“ I can try.” I sighed while sitting up.

“ I’d feel a lot better if you had something in you.” Nick said while standing up and placing his hands on my hips. The night slowly turned into a blur as I kept thinking about robin all alone in the hospital. 

Love and Coffee; Both Taken StrongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon