Caught In The Act Part 4 (Dick Grayson x Reader)

Start from the beginning

She bounces in her high chair like she is dancing to music only she could hear. Her head and arms go up and down while her face is a picture of concentration as she eats. The flavours in her mouth seemed to be causing her so much pleasure she can't sit still, but at the same time dinner is clearly serious business. Unlike most children at the same age, she never dropped even a pea, scattered or threw food. Every piece is sacred and she clears the bowl in her intense way until finally, it is empty. Her face would become dismayed and with her small hands, she'd clasp the bowl, banging it and squealing.

"Ok kiddo, that bowl is mine now,' I laugh.

Her little hands firmly hold on as I try to take the bowl away. With a final tug, I am able to free the bowl from her hands. Leaving Mary Jo in her seat, I journey to the kitchen. The window above the sink shows a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon. No more than an hour ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all the colour had faded. I check the cabinet for any food I could eat but unfortunately find nothing. I grab my purse, phone and jacket before returning to Mary Jo. She raises her arms as I lean down and pick her up then placing her on my hip comfortably.

"Let's go to the shop's sweetie, Mumma's gotta eat," I sigh.

Dick Grayson POV

Cuddled into the front of the woman is a young child, too big to be a baby but still very young. For the most part, she keeps her head buried in the woman's woollen jacket, her hair sticking out behind as if she'd just woken up from a long nap. Her fingers are curled into the fabric, not clasping it tightly, but just enough to reassure her they were staying together. The longer I watch these two, the more apparent it becomes that it's (Y/N) and Mary Jo.

I notice a man approaching them. His hair is tied back but still clumped with grease. He shuffles, his head moving this way and that, unsteady like there is a personal earthquake in his shoes. I step closer to the edge of the building, watching (Y/N) and Mary Jo closely. (Y/N) turns into the nearest convenience store, glancing at the man behind her while doing so. I can't help but grin, now knowing our past training sessions together had actually taught her something. Although my grin doesn't last long as I notice the man following my wife and child inside the store. The man approaches the counter, stumbling every few steps. I notice his hand snaking into his worn jacket and pulling a gun from it.

"Tim, I've got some action on my corner," I report into my com.

"Need any help?" He asks.

"I should be right by myself," I answer.

"I'll stand by," Tim responds.


The man's yelling is like a booming bark, making me jump like a scared rabbit. I duck behind one of the aisles, holding Mary Jo tightly with the hope she knows to stay quiet. I peer around the corner just in time to see a bullet hit the employee in the chest, propelling him backward into the wall behind him. The man slumps to the floor, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. I cover my mouth and gag before lightly pressing Mary Jo's face into my shoulder, wanting to protect her from the horrid scene.

The man turns around, scanning the aisles for another victim. I move back behind the aisle, shielding myself from his vision. The sound of footsteps echoes around the store as the man searches for me and Mary Jo. I hold my breath but let it go as I notice a blur of black and blue passing the window opposite me. A wave of relief washes over me as I hear the familiar tone of Dick's whistling.

"Hey man, just give me the gun and I'll go easy on you," Dick negotiates.

"I'll shoot! If you take another step I'll shoot you!" The guy yells.

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