chapter 32 : Mr arrogant

Start bij het begin

I had a job to do.

I had been missing from the office for three days now and this was the wrong time to call no matter the fucking situation.

Before i could say anything I heard a sob and my heart skipped.

"Look behind you" said the voice weakly and I turned to look at Arabi who stood right under blood.

What the fuck.

Did she have her periods or something.

"Is that your blood?" I shouted loud enough for her to hear me.

And I could have swore that if she had a gun she would have shot me.

"Samah is missing" she shouted as I got next to her.

"And the last time the cameras taped her was when she was heading this way." She said as a pool of tears built in her eyes.

And when she said those words I felt my whole world colliding and falling apart.

I went nuts!

I fucking lost

I marched in the house and held in the throat the first bodyguard I saw.

"How the fuck can you let my fucking wife be kidnapped!" I shouted as punched him in the face

Then from a distance I felt places or glasses breaking.

And samah's sister looked at me with wide mouth and eyes.

~ two weeks later~

My face
My feet
My throat
My head
My whole body

They huuuuuurt

It hurts

That was what I woke up saying and when I saw people in my face I was quick to throw a punch and kick whoever was daring to harm me.

I watched as she flew to the wall

I watched with wary eyes the person who was backing away from me on the other side.

"What the fuck do you want!" I whispered yelled to both the two girls who looked too familiar.

Too fucking familiar.


Fucking Lesley.

"You are fucking lucky I like babies or else I would have let those sick bastards rape you to awakening" she smirked my way as she made a pained face.

I watched her as she struggled to stand up as her friend helped her up.

The door was locked and that was when I noticed the drip next to the bed and how my hand was bleeding.

I touched my stomach and felt my baby kick and for a moment I was relieved.

"Listen bitch we either live in fucking harmony here or I let them take advantage.
I swear if you weren't pregnant I would have let them take advantage" she said walking my way.

This woman really didnt know where her limits were.

Abelardo's ex fiancé

"What do you want from me!" I asked with venom dripping from every word I spoke to her.

When she heard that her head perked up and a sinister smile spread across her face.

"Oh dear miss innocent wanna be
That is not a question I should be answering" she said then walked out of the room.

"Lock the door and guard it!" She said as she walked out with her tiny shorts and heels.

Assless thing

Mr Arrogant Jerk Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu