The Deal part 2 (the birth of isaiah.)

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Xander's pov

Soon after Shifty left I gotta a moment or two to think. Before Shifty left Kyle and I told him that he may haft to stay in Vega-City...and me and Kyle thought it be a little appropriate to give him a new identity and all that crap. I said, yeah but...*sees Liftys fur a bit like a dark lake foam green* yeah...but what's wrong with his fur? We turns to see that his fur was actually turning dark. Kyle didn't speak before I said, Kyle what's happening? he hitting puberty? Kyle said, are you fucking serious?..he's like about five years older than Oblivion and's not puberty...although his voice maybe deeper than it was before...the damage in his vocal cords are permanent...the fur color in the other hand...that's his sins kicking in... I said, sins? Kyle said, yeah...haven't Dad told you?...a mortal can commit sins ya know...I mean he and his brother were thieves before they...well you know. I said, can't argue with ya there it's greed and ambition and carelessness I can presume. Kyle said, that and being a coward and gullible and not helping others and fucking blaming things on others. I then said, oh!...well...its like showin your true colors right bro? Kyle said, ya damn right. I said, so now what? Kyle said, well the Vega-City military already knows about this...but General Calibur has a plan for Lifty. I said, what's the plan? Kyle said, gather here little brother and I'll tell you...we'll gets squirts help later Then Kyle told me something that is definitely really awesome but surprising to me.


Lifty's (isaiah) pov

I don't know what happened...but I woke up on the road of some city and asked myself in a voice that's a little bit deep as I sat up, ugh...where am I? fact who am I? I can see I was a lake-foam green raccoon in the reflection of a rain I looked at a car (it was lit on fire and not to mention broken beyond repair) accident and said, shit I must've been in an accident or something. My clothes were torn and burned up completely and felt my head hurt. I said as I looked at a pond and see my eyes are grey, hmph!..undoubtably I have unusual eyes...but that still doesn't answer my questions. I stood up while tolerating the pain of the injuries. I looked around and said as I sighed in annoyance and flashbacks of me crashing onto a street light, ugh..I must've got run off the road by some dumbass. Then I see some military soldiers I didn't recognized walking to me. The soldier that appeared to be the general said, you know who you are? I shook my head and said, no..I'm afraid not. I saw that raccoon with the green and red hair raise a brow as a soldier who I coulda sworn was a colonel said, well then allow us to refresh your memory. I said, so you all know who I am? That soldier with the green and red hair said, why yes we do...but first come with us.. Later when I arrived back at there base I was doing some ninja Stealths and ninja skills not to mention I was fighting like a soldier. As soon as I was done and wearing a black soldier uniform. General Calibur said, your starting to remember who you are...Isaiah. So That's my name...Isaiah the soldier and ninja to the Vega-City military. That's who I am and who I will be. For my duty is to fight and stand the military's ground.

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