Adora's Birthday

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It is Adora's 7th birthday at the Fright Zone with everyone around her has given all sorts of gifts and love to her. But there is only one person has almost forgot about it, and that is Catra.

"Oh-no! It's Adora's birthday!!!" Catra gasps as she just realizes it.

"I just need to find a gift before it's too late."

The little girl quickly rushes around The Fright Zone to find something for her. She looked for about 10 minutes that would seem something that Adora would like.

At that point, she was about to just give up and not give her something but a thought has clicked onto her head. "Cupcakes!" She yell with excitement. Adora loves cupcakes, but where could she find cupcakes? At the Horde cafeteria.

She sneakily enters the cafe with every big people sitting at the table eating lunch. She then crawls into the kitchen and sees a plethora of different foods and desserts. She takes her time to spot a cupcake and finally sees a chocolate one on the counter.

Catra carefully climbs up the counter without knocking any of the food down and grabs the cake and successfully runs away with it.

Adora's party is happening at the bedroom with her wondering where her best friend at.
"Has any of you guys seen Catra?"

"Beats me." Lonnie responded. "Oh there she is right now!" She then points and Adora then sees Catra at the door.

"Hey Adora."

"Catra you're here!!!"

"Yep, and I got you a little something."

"Ooooh what it is?"

She pulls it around from her back and reveals the chocolate cupcake with a candle on top.
"A cupcake?" Adora gasps with excitement.

"Yep. It's nothing special but....."

"I love it!!! Where did you get it?"

"I.....uhhhh.......kinda......stole it."

"You stole a cake for my birthday? I still love it!!!!"

Catra then gives the cupcake to Adora and gives the birthday girl a great big hug. "Thank You Catra!!!"

"You're welcome. Happy Birthday, Adora."

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