Lost & Hurt

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Alternate Ending To The Episode Promise....

Adora falls down a cliff after Catra leaves her hanging on a rock at the First Ones temple. She screams falling down continuously with tears streaming down her cheeks. She splash lands on the water and gets washed up out of the temple.

She coughs and crawls up the back section of the temple, flopping down on the ground on her back with a traumatized look on her face. Her heart is now shattered after what Catra did, after she said to her, after everything she has done for her and been through. "Catra, how-how could you....." she whispers to herself. Tears still stifling and hints of crying.

She remembers all the time she and Catra has been together at the Horde they were inseparable, they were best friends forever, and one point they were close to be more than friends. But now all of that is now thrown out of the window. Adora sees a little locket wash up next to her, she picks it up and opens it and it reveals a picture of her & Catra when they were kids. Adora starts feeling more tears on the edge of her eyes as she throws it out to the water out of anger.

She now feels anger and frustration as she picks her sword up and head back to Bright Moon walking home with a now shattered heart.

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