"I'm ok so far."


"There far apart, not that painful yet."

"Ok let's check you out.

Ok you're only at two centimeters."

"Only two?!"

"Yeah I'm sorry but you've got aways to go. I'll be back in an hour to check on you again but if you need anything just push the call button."

"Ok thank you."

Dr. Gillian leaves the room.

"Um Dominic since it sounds like we're gonna be here awhile so can you go to the house and get my bag out of the closet."

"Of course baby but I'm going to wait until someone else gets here."


Few minutes later I heard yelling coming from the hall.

"Is that Dimitri?"

Oh god it's Dimitri!

"Where is my cousin sister in law!"

Oh my god.

"Dimitri we're in here!"

Dimitri, Lynn and Jill all came into the room.

"Here you go sweetie I brought your bag."

"Oh thank you so much mom!"

I look at October and she's getting a look of pain on her face. I go to her bedside and grab her hand.

She grabs my hand squeezing it hard. She's trying so hard to keep her composer. But I know she wants to scream.

"How far are you?"

"Two centimeters only two!

She's suppose to be here in two weeks. But she decided, hey early labor!

And now she doesn't want to come out!"

"I hope you don't end up having a c-section."

I never even thought about what if October has to have a c-section.

It's been an hour and Dr. Gillian came back in to check on October.

"Well you're up another two. How are the contractions?"

"Really painful."

"If they get too bad just let a nurse know. We can give you some meds to help you sleep."

"Ok. Thank you."

"I'll be back in an hour."

"How you doing baby?

For real?"

"I'm really tempted to call the nurse."

"Baby if you need to do it, do it. There's nothing wrong with it. Whatever makes you more comfortable to do this."

"Ok baby. I'm all ready tired."

"It's ok baby."

I push the call button for her and a nurse comes in.

"Yes what can I do for you?"

"I'm in a lot of pain."

"Ok I'll get your doctor for you."

Few minutes later Dr. Gillian came back.

"Well that didn't take long to decide."

"I was just trying my best to get through this but she's really taking her time."

"It's ok October.

Will give you PCA injection of Demerol. That way when you're having pain you just push the button and you'll get a boost.

There are some side effects. You might get tired which you'll probably want. You might vomit, respiratory distress. If you have trouble breathing just let us know ok."

She just shakes her head.

"This button is awesome!"

I start laughing.

"Come on baby get some sleep."

"Ok Dominic. You're always right. You're the best husband in the world."

Hmm is that the drugs talking? I'd like to think not though.

I bring October's hand to my lips as I kiss it lightly. I love my wife.

I look around, Lynn and Dimitri are asleep.

I look over at Jill and her eyes are glued to October. Watching over her baby giving her a grandbaby.

I love my family.

heart strings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora