Some Super Friends (Damian Wayne x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"There's someone I'd like to introduce you to. Her names (Y/N) and she's my little sister but I'm not sure she wants to talk to you though. For the most part, I think she finds you scarier than Nightmare on Elms Street, and she finds that so scary she won't even watch it." Jon announces.

I look away, watching Dick and Jason fighting each other. Dick stops for a moment, meeting my gaze and waving quickly before being tackled by Jason. A giggle escapes my lips as my past babysitters wrestle each other on the ground, grabbing whatever discarded item is nearest to hit the other. I'd never seen them fight like this before, of course when they taught me self defence we all fought each other but it had a tone of seriousness to it. Sparring with guys two heads taller and over twice my mass was never fun even if I am a Kryptonian, they always beat me afterwards preaching about depending on myself instead of my powers. Out of Dad, Jon and I, it seems that only I understand that concept.

"Dad doesn't trust her at home," Jon says casually.

"Why not?" He asks.

"She set fire to the kitchen," Jon shrugs.

"Typical," Damian replies.

I turn on my heel, facing the two boys. It's no coincidence that brother and bother are one letter apart. You know, embarrassment is like a weapon of the Gods. It is a torment for the meek, the ones not bold enough to be immune. The strong kids just toughed it out, not laughing with the crowd but looking nonchalant, superior despite their mishap. They left with un-blushed faces, sighing like the others were immature to find it funny at all. But for me it is cataclysmic; my face feels as if it's burning bright enough to outshine the sun and my mind scatters like a scared rabbit.

"Wanna repeat that?" I ask.

"From what I've observed, you depend on your powers to do everyday things, so it's not surprising." He shrugs.

"Are you sure that's true?" I scoff.

"Yes, I wouldn't have said it if it weren't," He retorts.

"Fight me then," I shrug.

"Pardon?" He asks.

"I'll fight you without my powers, then we'll see who's better," I urge.

"I can beat your brother and potential to beat your father, do you really think you'll beat me?" He cockily asks.

"Yep," I smirk.

"You're on," He challenges.

Damian folds both arms over his chest after placing his mask over his eyes. Of course, he doesn't fear me in the least. In that instant he lunges at me, ignoring Jon's protests. He expects this to be easy, over in a  flash. But this will not go his way, not at all. I look at Damian, the sides of his lips curl upwards forming a smirk on his lips. I dodge his fist and come up with my own; for a brief instant, his mouth slightly opens in surprise, I can imagine his blue eyes becoming wider as well.  He tilts his head back and slams it into mine causing stars to burst before my eyes. I shake it off throwing a low kick at Damian's knee. He jumps back nearly avoiding the kick, throwing another punch into my stomach. I stumble back nearly falling over, his action taking me by surprise. I catch my breaths before diving at him. He stepped back, once again easily evading me.

 "Is that all you got?" he smirks infuriatingly at me. 

I growl and throw myself at him once more but changing direction at the last minute. I clutch onto his shoulders and wrestle him to the ground. I use a spare hand to jab at Damian's ribs, prompting Damian to swing a punch at my face. It hits my jaw with such force that if I were human blood would have pooled into my mouth. He drew his fist back again and it ploughed into my stomach, it was like hitting a train head-on. With my own two hands I grasped his head in my hands and brought my knee cap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and I released his dark-haired head. He staggers backwards as I am pulled away from him by a pair of hands.  I suck in a deep breath and face whoever holds me.

"What the hell! Stop (Y/N) you hurt him!" Jon exclaims.

"Hey, I'm defending my honour!" I argue.

"Tt. You underestimate me Kent. I was raised to be the ultimate soldier, a master assassin, a broken nose is hardly an injury." Damian interrupts.

"Thank you, Damian! See, he understands, there isn't even that much blood!" I exclaim.

Crimson leaked from both his nose and it was twisted to the right a little bit. 

"That needs medical attention!" He exclaims.

"Fine! We'll go and get it fixed. Happy?" I retort.

Without an answer I turn on my heel, grasping Damian's wrist and lead him towards what looks like the medical bay. My eyes rest on the bloody mess that had been a perfectly ordinary nose only moments before. I immediately grab a paper towel and start to clean the blood from his face. I find the pain relief pills and pass two to him causing him to look at me in disgust.

"I don't need these!" He exclaims.

"Just take them!" I reply.

His swallows the pills without another word of complaint. I wrap a towel around a small ice pack and give it to him. With a roll of his eyes, he places it on top of his nose. Remorse hits me like a sledgehammer, this was a mistake, I shouldn't have done this.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, I just forgot...." I ramble on.

"Tt. I understand it was a mistake. It unfortunately happens." He replies.

I felt an urge to do something. In a moment I pressed my lips against his, felt his body loosen and arms touch my shoulders. We pull apart and open our eyes. We stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes. Damian's full of wonder and love, mine full of curiosity and passion. His hand rests below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingle. Jon is gonna kill us. 

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