I could hear the click as Forrest hung up and snorted before bursting out into laughter. Pretty soon, the four of us were rolling on the floor, clutching our stomachs and our sides from the split pain that came when you laughed too long.

“Hah!” I gasped out, before sitting up with a bit of trouble. “Just mention the word tampons and boys go running, huh?”

We all laughed a little more about that before scrambling up. “Last one to my room is a filthy, stinking rotten egg!” I shrieked before catapulting myself towards the stairs.

“Hey! No fair, you got a head start!”

“Pfft!” I yelled, sticking my tongue out at Maddie.

I, of course, got to my room first and plopped down on the bed. Maddie plopped down besides me, and Jasmine and Serena took the couch.

“So…” Jasmine began, sounding a little too formal to be considered normal. Then again, none of us were exactly “normal”. Jasmine was the closest thing, probably. Serena and I were long gone, considering we weren’t in our real bodies right now. And Maddie was just weird. Then again, even if my real body wasn’t dead, I would probably still be the weirdest.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Maddie finished, looking around at the three of us.

“We have to brainstorm, I guess,” Serena replied, eyebrows scrunched in deep thought. “Hmmm… what could have happened to make me and Shay switch with Lisette?”

“Hmmm…” I pondered, scratching my chin, just like those old dudes do in the movies. “Maybe this is all a dream!”

Oh, I wish.

"Long-ass dream, then,” Serena said, shaking her head.

“Yeah,” I agreed. There’s no way this is a dream. It is way too long. “Oh, my God, I’ve got it! We should go back and revisit the spots where we passed out!”

“Oh, my God, Shay, you’re a freaking genius!” Serena explained, and with that, we were on our way.

We went to the bar Maddie, Jasmine and I went to that night first, and got some strange looks for being at a bar at 2 in the afternoon.

I lead the way to the bathroom, and half-expected to see an energizer bunny as my reflection, just like I had that night. But no, all I saw was a bunch of blonde and perfect-ness. (No offense, or anything, Serena.)

We looked around for any sign, we sat there for half an hour, I sat there alone for half an hour, but nothing happened. Cursing, I stormed out after the half hour of sitting there by myself. “Nothing! Nothing at all happened!”

Maddie’s face fell. “Well, come on, let’s just go to where Serena went and see.”

Nodding, we were on our way. Serena was at a college dorm, so the looks we got were even weirder. But then there were some people who I supposedly knew, but I had to use the whole amnesia excuse again. It had been a while since I had used it.

When we got to the dorm where the party had been held at, the people who lived there weren’t home, thank God. Since people recognized me, they let me in. We looked around but found nothing except for personal stuff belonging to the residents. Serena sat in there for half an hour, too, but nothing happened.

This was seriously depressing.

So with sad faces, we went back home and crashed on the floor.

“What now?” Serena asked in a small voice.

I shrugged. “Well, we’re not giving up. I’m not, at least. We keep brainstorming.”

It was silent for a bit as we thought to ourselves before Serena broke the silence by saying, “Wait, what if this is all a punishment?”

They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking In Circles!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن