²² { air }

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"goodnight houston!"

violet fought. she fought so hard through the crowd.

typically, by the time she gets the equipment packed up for the managers to move, most of the fans have left and she didn't have problems often.

but the crowd was so big that night, that by the time violet was done she could barely make it back up onto the stage. she pushes herself up the stage with her hands, accidentally kicking someone in the shoulder.

she turns around, apologizing to the stranger that only nodded their head in acceptance.

violet approaches, the rest behind the curtain of the stage, they stand together. conversating with one another, the typical water bottle in their hands.

"the crowd was insane tonight." violet speaks, putting herself between malcolm and finn.

malcolm wraps his arm around her shoulder, smiling.
"the conversions sounded great tonight, vi."

"they always do." finn pulls her from him, holding her tight despite being hot in weather.

violet smiles at molcolms teasing, rolling eyes.
"thanks malcolm."

"so what now?" ayla speaks, "back on the road to tennessee?"

finn shrugs, tracing circles on violets back.
"our gig isn't for another few days. we haven't seen much of texas."

"you think we'd make the drive in two days?"

"its a thirteen hour drive. we could make it there in one."

jack smiles,
"looks like we're crashing houston for a couple days."


"im sorry, we're completely booked."

"you're booked? on a tuesday night?"

violet hangs onto finns arm, the two stand on the other side of the lobby desk at the closest hotel they could manage.

he knew the lady at the desk was lying, they both did. and finn was irritated.

"sir, we have a very important guest coming tomorrow morning. we cant have you disturbing breakfast."

"thats a bit bad for business don't you think?" violet speaks.

"i'm sorry you guys, we don't have five rooms available."

"we'll take four then."

"sorry." her head shakes.

"we'll take three. and don't even try with that same excuse because i know you're full of bullshit." finns teeth grit, so annoyed with energy.

the women hesitates,
"very well."

they get their room keys, barely making it to the elevator before erupting in chaos, arguing of whose going to get their own room.

"i deserve it!" ayla protests,
"do you know what its like having to share rooms with you guys? you two pick your nose and im certain jack still kisses his pillow at night."

"you can share a room with violet!" malcolm interferes.

"well, i don't pick my nose or make out with my pillow. but aylas right, she needs a break, even from me." violet speaks calmly among them all.

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