Flowers Part 4 (Jason Todd x Reader)

Start from the beginning

I allow myself to stop for a moment as my eyes wander over to the staff member behind the counter. She is slumped over the desk, staring off into space, but I can't tell what it is she was looking at before she dies. Her black hair is now discoloured with a red tint and her light brown eyes are beginning to dull. Her once lively skin is now slightly grey. I shake my head and continue my way towards Jason. I duck behind the couch Jason chose to use as a shield of sorts, joining him in his battle.

"What are you doing?!" Jason yells.

"Helping!" I reply.

"No! Find a way to safety, I can handle this!" Jason urges.

"Mama ain't raise no bitch, I'm helping!" I retort.

"Just stay behind me," He mumbles.

He quickly reloads his pistol before firing again. The silence is eerily unnatural, like a dawn devoid of birdsong. We wait for Slade to react, Jason and I glance at each other in confusion as the silence continues. We hear the quiet clicking of a gun which has no ammo and then a string of curses. I have to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. I firmly grasp the pipe and give Jason a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Babe, wait!" He yells as I jump over the couch.

I cross the no man's land which separates Jason from Slade. Slade appears from his hiding place, his sword in hand. 

"Let's make this an even fight little lady," Slade announces.

He takes the spare sword from his back and throws it towards me. I weigh the sword in her right hand, slashing it delicately at the air. The handle of the sword is bound with black leather, the hilt decorated yet understated, beautiful in its own way. Slade thrusts his sword forward, only to be met by my own sword. Both swords meet in the air with a resounding 'clang', a sound which was familiar when I was a child. The two blades work in chaotic harmony, both hum low, swift tunes as they are swung through the air. I shoot my right leg out, sweeping him from his feet. An action which certainly took him by surprise. Before he can make another movement I kick the sword from his hand and rest the tip of my sword at his throat.

"You don't have the balls..." He begins.

"Like I told my beautiful boyfriend over there...Mama ain't raise no bitch," I smirk.

"Then do it," He urges.

I sigh before resting a hand on my hip and rolling my eyes. Slade begins to laugh wickedly but is quickly cut short when my heel hits his face. Even in unconsciousness, this guy manages to remain creepy as hell. I glance over at Jason to discover his awestruck face. I giggle and walk over to him placing another kiss on his cheek.

"I'm kinda hungry, do you wanna hit up that cute coffee shop down the road?" I ask.

"Yeah," He breathes out, clearly still in shock.

I glance at the couch I wanted, noticing it had become riddled with bullets during the fight. I frown and look at Jason as he gazes toward the couch.

"I really liked that couch." I pout.

Multiple police cars begin to park outside as the professionals take over the scene. We slip out the back door, managing to escape having to stay around any longer. Jason's places his gun back where it was originally and begins to search his pockets for another item.

"Shit...shit, shit, shit." He mumbles.

"What?" I ask.

"I lost the ring." He replies almost frantically.

"What ring?" I ask curiously.

"I well, um...I was planning on proposing tonight and I must have dropped it." He pouts.

 Happiness rushes through me as the words leave his mouth. My grin explodes into a radiant smile that I probably have never worn before, not even as a small girl. Today has been the best day of my life. 

"Yes!" I yell as I jump into his arms.

"What?" He asks.

"I will! I'm gonna marry you!" I exclaim.

"Can I try to propose again?" He mumbles.

"Only if it's in a fancy place where we can get free food after," I reply with a giggle.

"How about that cute coffee shop down the road?" He grins.

"I love you!" I say.

"I love you too, babe." He replies.

The sunlight caresses my skin, promising a new dawn, a new beginning. My hair flutters in the wind, my clothes cling to my body but Jason is by my side. He holds my body close to his, his body warming mine as we continue our journey. We are inseparable. Our marriage will be something so beautiful that in that natural world it will be an opening rose, always with radiant petals left to unfurl in a warm sun. Perhaps that is why we give roses to those we love and often have them at our sacred unions.

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