•Chapter 66•

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*January 2003*

They say the Lord works in mysterious ways, and Dino believed it to be true, from the huge turn his life had taken.

It would be difficult to describe in words, if he could, but if he had to choose, he would definitely say that he was blessed.

Within a week of their engagement, he and Teshya moved in together. The following week, they'd received the most exciting news of them all.

Teshya was pregnant.

Not to mention, Shazam had convinced him to get back into the studio, so that he, Dino and G.I. could give another shot at this music thing.

There was even some talk about going on tour again, but Dino wasn't completely hands on with that idea just yet. He still had a lot of thinking to do.

As much as he loved performing for his fans, he loved his children way more, and he wasn't so sure if he was ready to leave them behind just yet.

For some reason, he felt the need to be even closer to them now, than he was back then. They were getting older and every moment with them was to be cherished.

"What's up Keke? My babies ready yet?"

"Hey, they're just about done getting dressed, and they should be out in a second. You don't mind waiting out here for them, do you?"

"Nah, go ahead, I'll wait right here."

He knew he was better off not stepping foot into Dana's house. Especially since, after news of his engagement broke out, she didn't hesitate to phone him that night, tearing him a new asshole using every cuss word in the book.

Dino was so speechless, he didn't even bother to argue back, he just listened to her rant, before hanging up the phone. He thought about calling her right back just to ask her how'd she even find out, but stopped himself once he remembered that Keke and Shanteah were there that night.

More than likely, they were the ones to spill the beans. Especially Keke, she was the main one always ready to run her damn mouth to Dana for every little thing.



After tying the laces to his right shoe, Dino stood up, also turning around, so he could hug his kids.

"Heyy daddy babies! Y'all ready for school?" He placed his hands on their shoulders and walked them up to his car.

Dana watched from her bedroom window, slightly peeking through the curtains. When Dino had first arrived, she was getting them dressed. Keke had shown up, right before Dino.

She and Dana had a few errands to run today. It was a good thing she'd come over at the time she did, because Dana was in no way possible trying to communicate with Dino. She didn't even want to look at him.

"I see you peeping."

The curtains snapped back in their place, as Dana moved away from the window, "I don't know what you're talking about," she feigned ignorance, as she folded her arms over her chest.

"I don't know why you was hiding back here anyway, you could've at least said hey to the man."

"No thanks."

"I'm not saying you had to start a conversation with him, you could've just said hey."

"Well, he's gone now, and besides, I was just making sure that my kids got into the car safely."

"Mhm sure, well if you done lying, can we go now?"

"I been ready, you the one wasting time." Dana said back in a dry tone, as she walked past her friend, who stood in the middle of her doorway.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now