•Chapter 55•

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*February 2000*

"Ugh, Keke! Can you help me? I can't get these damn jeans on!" Dana whined.

"Suck it in like I told you to big mama." Keke was laid across Dana's bed, flipping through the latest jet magazine.

Dana sucked her teeth and turned around to face Keke, "does it look like, I can suck this in?" She asked rhetorically, exposing her now protruding belly.

"Ooo, see, now that's all Dino right there." Keke laughed.

Dana rolled her eyes, "ugh, please do not mention his name around me."

"Whatever girl, don't be mad at him, because you the one who was being a lil hot tamale."

Dana was not at all amused at Keke's joke, whereas Keke could not stop laughing, "girl, you look like a stuffed bell pepper." That last one took her out.

Her eyes widened, Dana scoffed, and stormed out of her bedroom, "Dana, you better stop walking so damn fast, before your light skinned ass be rolling round here like a basketball!"

"Shut up!"

Keke rolled off the bed, still in laughter, and ran into the living room, where Dana was, "girl stop acting so damn sensitive, you know I was just playing."

"Well knock it off Keke, I'm getting real tired of all the fat jokes."

Keke placed her hands on her hips, "did you remember to take your meds today, loony?"

Dana glared back at her in response.

"Kidding! I was only kidding. Come on, you know I play around."

Dana folded her arms and sighed, "you need to stop hanging around Dino and Shazam so damn much."

"Speaking of, is Sr. Beige going to meet you at the doctors office for your appointment?"

"Yeah, he is, he called earlier and said he'd be there soon as I pull up." Dana grabbed her purse off of the couch and threw the strap over her shoulder.

"You don't sound too happy about all of this."

"I don't look it either."

"You only have a few minutes with him, please try not to kill each other until then."

"No promises."

"Well if you need help hiding his body, then call me, I got connections." Keke replied teasingly, with a wink.

Dana giggled, "I will, bye girl."

"Bye," Keke waved on her way out of the front door.

Dana expected to be disappointed at this doctor visit, however, much to everyone's surprise, Dino managed to beat her to the doctor's office.

He was waiting for her in the front office, reading a magazine and shaking his knee unknowingly.

On her way in the door, Dana paused as she laid eyes on him, and smiled.

The moment he lifted his head, dropping the magazine down in its rightful spot, and standing to his feet, her smile faded.

The finger tapping on his watch, had her irritated already, "I see I'm the only one, who decided to be on time today." He teased.

"Boy please, they haven't even called my name yet, and besides, we both know you're never on time, unlike me." Dana stated, as she pushed past him.

"That don't mean nothing, we two different people, and need I remind you, that you the one carrying a baby now, you can't get around like you used to big girl."

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now