•Chapter 54•

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*September 1999*

Months Later...

Dana did not let Keke's brutal honesty, get inside of her head. Well, she at least tried, but every time they were around each other, she never let her forget about that dumbass decision she'd made, by dissing Dino and his feelings.

Dana was so annoyed, it'd gotten to the point where she would purposely do things in order to avoid her best friend, as she tried working with her at the same time.

Keke was a professional however, she wasn't going to let something that didn't involve her, come in between their work.

Though somehow, in the midst of all this, Shazam always managed to get an earful.

"Shazam, I tell you right now, I'm sick of them both." Keke spat. She sat on her living room couch, Shazam on the floor in between her legs.

She was getting his hair ready for this photo shoot, he had to do for his upcoming solo album. She didn't believe it to be necessary for another chick to be in her man's hair when she could do it herself.

"So, why you worried about them and what they doing?" Shazam questioned.

Keke tightened her grip and pulled his head back, making eye contact with him, "aren't you?"

Shazam winced and grabbed her hand, "hell no, that's they business."

"Shazam you don't care about shit, I bet you ain't said shit when he divorced that girl."

"I wasn't in it then, and I ain't in it now."

"Whatever, you can go now, I'm done with ya." Keke leaned against the couch, folding her arms and legs.

Shazam stood from the floor, and turned to face her, "you not go'n give me a kiss or nothing first?" He had a playful grin on his face, as he leaned close to her face.

Keke palmed his face and pushed him back, "nope, bye."

Shazam sucked his teeth, and on his way out the door, he grabbed one of her couch pillows and threw it at her.

"Lock my door!"

"Nope." Shazam purposely left the door halfway open on his way out.



Tucking her keys deep down in the pocket of her scrubs, Shanteah leaned against the passenger door of her Jeep, as she awaited her other two guests arrival.

They were all in the same nursing program, and had agreed to meet at this restaurant for food and drinks, once class was over.

Shanteah had a long exhausting day, and she still had to stop by the sitters' and pick up Ne'Cole. She just needed a little bit of time to unwind, before she could do that.

Initially, she hadn't planned on meeting up with these girls, but they were nice enough to invite her, and she didn't want to be rude by declining their invite.

She would've much rather preferred to kick it with Dana and Keke, and have a smoke, maybe two. However, their lives were so busy, they rarely had time for each other these days.

Regardless of that, they were still her girls, and if she had any time later, she would be sure to pick up the phone and call them.

Checking the time on her watch, Shanteah deeply sighed and stuffed her hands deep into the pockets of her scrubs, "where the hell these girls at? I'm hungry as hell." She stressed, as she ran her fingers through her cornrows.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now