•Chapter 26•

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*June 1995*

"Okay Kayla, I need you to make this look good."

"That won't be a problem, but who you trying to get all cute for anyway? You got a date tonight or something?"

Kayla had Shanteah sitting at the kitchen table, as she stood behind her, styling her braids.

She went straight to Kayla, because she was the only person she trusted to do her hair other than Dana.

Shanteah rolled her eyes, "so, because I want to look cute, means it have to be for a man?" She mocked.

Kayla covered her mouth and laughed, "you right, I forgot you was a lonely hoe."

Shanteah's mouth dropped, "you have an imaginary relationship with Devante, and I'm the one who's lonely?"

Kayla grabbed the scissors she had on the table and put it to Shanteah's hair, "take it back, or else you will be bald by the end of the night."

Shanteah mocked Kayla by putting her hand over her mouth to laugh as well, "oops! I forgot you was lonely too."

"Whoever he is, I hope he love women with fades." Kayla said, as she grabbed an individual braid.

Shanteah jumped up out of her seat, as she laughed even harder, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I promise I'm done playing around."

Kayla threw the scissors back on the table, "sit down Shanteah."

When the laughter died down, Kayla finally decided to acknowledge the elephant in the room, that being her sister.

She and Shanteah had been attached at the hip since they were kids, and for them to go this long without talking, seemed very unusual to Kayla.

While she didn't exactly know the real reason behind it, she had a feeling it was over something stupid.

"Have you talked to my sister?"

Shanteah's entire mood changed from that one question alone, "no I haven't."

"Why not? Something happened between y'all, that I need to know about?"

So you can tell the whole damn neighborhood? Hell no! Shanteah thought to herself.

"You should try asking your sister," Shanteah simply replied.

"But I asked you."

"Tell your sister she should learn to tell the truth first," Shanteah's response had nothing to do with Kayla's question, it only made her more confused.

"What the fuck does that even mean?!"

Shanteah turned around to face Kayla, "look Kayla, it ain't my place to say, but if you want to know what's going on with Dana, then maybe you should ask her."

Kayla stepped back and folded her arms together, her mouth closed.

Shanteah glanced down at her wristwatch, "look I have to go, how much I owe you for this?"

"You don't owe me nothing, you can go."

"Okay," Shanteah grabbed her purse and left Kayla's house as quick as she came.

Though she and Dana were not on good terms, that didn't mean she had to go telling her business. If Dana and Dino were keeping her pregnancy a secret from everyone, including her, then who was she to ruin it for them?

It wasn't in her character to do such a thing.


Shanteah couldn't enjoy the movie she attended with Deja, that night. All she seemed to be thinking of was Dana, and if she were okay.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now