•Chapter 8•

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*December 1992*
Jack Yates Senior High School
Houston, TX

"You see this nail right here? I got to get it fixed." Shanteah lifted her finger, showcasing the broken nail on her index finger.

Dana grimaced, "yeah, what happened to it?"

"Dandrick had bet me twenty dollars, that he could beat me up in slap boxing, and it broke."

"Oh," Dana paused to bite down on her lip, "did you win?"

"Hell yeah, soon as I heard it crack, I stole off on his ass."

Dana looked down at her tired nail beds, "yeah I think it's time I get a refill too." She looked back up at Shanteah, who stared blankly ahead of her, as if in a trance.

"Dana, ain't that your daddy car parked over there?" Shanteah pointed in front of her.

Dana's neck snapped forward, sure enough there in plain view was Eric's car parked on the curbside of their school. This worried Dana a little; she hadn't spoken to either of her parents since she left home.

What could be the reason for Eric's unexpected arrival, she didn't know. But whatever the case may be, she hoped it had nothing to do with he or her mother being hurt. That would kill her.

"Umm listen, I'll catch up with you a lil later okay?"

Shanteah shrugged her shoulder, "sure," the two bumped fists, then went their separate ways.

The walk to Eric's car seemed rather longer than it actually was. Could be, because of how slow Dana trotted; she needed to prepare herself for whatever could happen. Good or bad, she had to be ready for it.

Instinctively, her hand shot up to her stomach as she neared her father's car. She could've sworn, that she felt some type of movement also.

Then again, that could've just been gas. Just looking at her father, made her nervous, and she had absolutely no control over her stomach anymore.

She went ahead and cracked the passenger window just to be on the safe side, she knew the kind of damage she could do in closed off spaces.

Because she had her head down out of fear, she hadn't taken notice of the intense stare Eric had on her stomach.

It was a little weird to say the least. His eyes were glued to her stomach, and it just stayed there.

Her choice in clothing had changed tremendously over the past couple months. While, she'd already developed her own little street look, as an attempt to match Dino's fly, nowadays she wore more and more baggy clothes as a cover up for her stomach.

However, she knew that sooner or later, not even the baggiest of jeans would be able to hide her true form. But for now, it would do.

Sighing aloud, Dana threw her head back. She cut her eyes at Eric and said, "you know daddy? If you wanted to see my stomach, all you had to do was say so."

Eric kept silent, for the first time ever, he couldn't find the words to speak. He wasn't so sure, if he was ready to see his daughter's pregnant stomach yet.

The reality of it all, hadn't quite hit him just yet.

Out of frustration, she rolled her eyes and lifted her sweatshirt.

Now at fifteen weeks, Dana's stomach had gotten bigger, and seemed to be growing everyday. Even her usual A-cup, now a C had progressed.

That was Dino's favorite part, he stressed this to her everyday.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now