•Chapter 32•

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*June 1996*

Devin was extra cranky in the afternoon, especially with his baby teeth coming in. He demanded Dana's attention all of the time, and he never stopped crying.

The only time he ever stopped is if or whenever Dana called Dino and put him on speakerphone so he could talk to him. Surely the baby would be happy by then.

"Hold on son, mommy's coming!" Dana grabbed a bottle out of the fridge and a plastic baggy of snacks for herself off of the counter and walked into the living room.

Because of the tantrum Devin threw, Dana had to drag his playpen into the living room, just so she could watch him. But it wasn't enough for him, he was spoiled, and he wanted to be held.

Dana walked up to his playpen, where he stood crying. He had his mouth on the railing, because he was teething.

"Da! Da! D-D-Da!"

Dana handed Devin his bottle, but he only threw it on the floor and screamed louder.


"Devin, you ain't even crying. You just whining." Dana knew as soon as she picked him up that he would stop crying.

She bent down to pick up the bottle and pulled him out of the playpen.

"Da Da!" He was still crying.

"Where daddy? Where daddy at?" She sat down on the couch and handed him his bottle, also giving him a snack from out of her bag.

She crossed her legs and grabbed the phone, "let's call daddy." Devin put his bottle in his mouth and lied his head on her chest.

Dana dialed Dino's number and placed the phone on speaker.



"What up?"

"Talk to your son, he won't stop crying."

"What he crying for?"

"I don't know." Dana shrugged.

"You did something to him, for him to be crying like that."

"All I did was not hold him."

"Exactly and you made my baby cry."

Dana rolled her eyes, "whatever."

"Can he hear me?"


"Aye boy! What you crying for?! Son, why you crying?"

Devin removed his bottle from his mouth and tried grabbing the phone.

"What he doing, Dana?"

"He smiling."

Dino chuckled to himself, "heyy daddy."

Devin looked up at Dana and smiled. That was literally all it took for him to stop crying, now all she needed was for him to take a nap. Dae'sha was already taking one.

"Where Dae'sha?"

"Upstairs taking a nap, just like I'm trying to get him to do."

Dino shook his head, "my son ain't going to sleep."

"He will if I can help it. Now get off my phone, so I can put him to sleep."

"Don't hurt my son."

"Bye Dino." Dana hung up the phone and placed it back on the hook.

She laid Devin on her chest and rocked him continuously. For awhile, the baby just looked at his mother, while clinging to her t-shirt. It wasn't until she lied down and began to close her eyes, that he finally drifted off to sleep.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now