•Chapter 63•

753 30 57

*March 2002*



Out the corner of his eye, Dino could see his youngest daughter peeping her tiny head inside of his bathroom, as he tried freshening himself up.

The door was already cracked, but it was her, who managed to push it all the way open. Dino wasn't even sure where she'd come from in the first place. Last time he seen her, she was asleep in her crib.

He should've known better than to leave her alone, after the last time she'd escaped.

With a sigh, Dino dropped his tooth brush, "what you doing up?" He shouldn't have been surprised about her sudden presence. She hardly ever slept throughout the mornings anymore, and she never wanted to be anywhere her father wasn't.

"Doo, what you doing up? You supposed to be sleep."

Diamond disregarded her father's question by walking directly up to him with her arms opened.

"Hold on real quick Doo, daddy got to get dressed."

Diamond poked out her bottom lip, as she lied her head against Dino's leg, making him sigh inwardly. There's no way, he was going to get anything done, as long as she was not asleep.

 There's no way, he was going to get anything done, as long as she was not asleep

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"Alright, come on." He bent down before her, swooping her up from the floor, and onto his hip.

"What you doing up? Huh? What daddy baby doing up?" He asked, as he gave her face a couple of kisses.

"I'on know." Diamond simply shrugged.

"You don't know? Well, you need to go back to sleep lil girl, it's too damn early."

Diamond latched onto Dino and placed her head onto his shoulder, "no dad-dy."

Why was it so hard for him to resist his children? Those big eyes and chubby ass cheeks, got him every single damn time.

No matter the situation, he could never say no to his kids, and Diamond was almost just as needy as his first child was.

"Alright, daddy go'n sit you right here," Dino sat Diamond on the counter, directly next to his shaving cream and other toiletries.

Her eyes immediately landed on them, thus making him a little nervous, "you better not touch nothing, just sit there and be good for daddy."

Diamond nodded her head, though every single word her dad spoke, went in one ear and out the other.

As he went to spray the shaving cream on his face, Diamond inched closer to him. Regardless of her father's demands, she couldn't help wrapping her little hands around the brush Dino used to touch up his fade.

"Dis dad-dy?" She asked, as she held the brush out to him.

"No thank you Doo, put it down."

Diamond sat the brush down beside her and placed her hands into her lap. She only stayed still for at least five minutes, before she started moving around again.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now