•Chapter 31•

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*April 1996*

"Wait a minute, what are you doing?"

"Keke, why are you choking?"

Keke passed the perfectly rolled up blunt back to Shanteah, as she continued to choke on the smoke. She shook her head and fanned the air, all the while patting her chest.

When she was able to catch her second wind, she finally responded, "what the hell you mean, why am I choking? Because I couldn't fucking breathe!"

"That's, cause you wasn't smoking it right."

Keke side eyed Dana, "you smoke one blunt, and all of a sudden, you an expert on smoking weed huh?"

Dana snatched the blunt out of Keke's hand, "why don't you shut up and focus on breathing."

Keke reached over and smacked Dana on the side of the head, the weed nearly slipped from her fingers.

"Hey y'all, y'all see that?" Shanteah asked, she was slumped back on the couch, her head slightly resting on the cushion. Her low eyes had been glued to the television, for over ten minutes now.

Dana and Keke stopped their arguing and leaned up on the couch to look at their friend, "what?" They asked in unison.

"That man on the television screen, Dana what channel is this?"

Keke and Dana both glanced at the blank television screen. Dana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Shanteah the television ain't on."

Shanteah squinted her eyes a little and leaned forward, "are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, but umm, Shani, look at me for a second."

With each passing second Shanteah's eyes were getting lower and lower, she couldn't even keep up with the conversation anymore.

"Shanteah? Hey!" Keke snapped her fingers in her face.

Shanteah jolted up and turned her head slightly towards them, "hm?"

"Shanteah, do me a favor and don't smoke no more okay baby?"

"Mhm," Shanteah nodded, just before her eyes rolled shut and her head rolled to the side.

Keke and Dana stared at her in silence for a few seconds.

"Is she dead?" Dana asked.

"Nah, she just asleep," Keke put two of her fingers under Shanteah's neck, for reassurance.

"Is she breathing?" Dana asked again, her voice slurring.

"She's okay, but damn Dana what the hell did your cousin sell us?!" Keke shouted, as she ran her hands down her face.

Dana stared off into space, "I don't know."

This was the last time that Keke would ever smoke anything that came from Bradlee, she wasn't a smoker, so naturally she was going to feel weird, but it wasn't just her, Dana felt it too, and she'd smoked a lot of weed from her cousin.

But this shit was different.

The two shared a look, before falling into each other and laughing.

Once their laughter died down, Dana got up from the couch, "I need some water."

Her knees felt like jelly, she almost fell to the floor, but she was able to grab onto the couch in time.

"Whoa, excuse me sir."

With additional help from the kitchen countertops, Dana made it to the fridge.

She got two cold bottles of water and slammed the door back shut.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now