•Chapter 28•

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*September 1995*

"See, this is why I don't like sleeping in the bed with you. You always hogging all the damn covers!"

"You can keep that small ass blanket you got. Shit small enough to be one of Dae'sha's blankets, did you steal it from her crib? Cause I know I seen this small shit before."

"Get out of my bed!" Shanteah shoved Deja repeatedly in his arm, until he fell out of the bed, which wasn't hard at all, considering how small he was.

Deja tumbled out of the bed, onto the carpet head first.

Shanteah hung over the bed and smirked, "I bet you wish you had my small ass blanket now, huh?"

Deja stuck up his middle finger at Shanteah, as he struggled trying to get off of the floor.

Shanteah grabbed the pillow he slept with and hit him in the face repeatedly, "stay your ass on the floor!"

"Ah! Ah! Come on Shanteah!"

Bbbbrrrinnnnggg! Bbbrrrinnnggg!

Shanteah threw the pillow at Deja, before crawling to the other side of her bed, to answer the house phone.

"Always talking shit, that's why you're hurt now." Shanteah propped herself up in her bed, placing the phone to her ear.



"I landed on my ass! I think I broke it!" Deja yelled in the background.


"Boy, ain't nothing wrong with you. Get up!" Shanteah deeply sighed at the exaggeration in Deja's voice, she barely touched him. But small as he was, something as soft as a pillow, could literally break him.

"Umm, is this a bad time? Should I call you back?"

"No girl, that's Deja, he's being a wimp right now."

"My ass hurt! Shanteah, call my mama!"

Shanteah put her hand over the mouthpiece, "Deja, will you get off your bony ass! And stop being so damn dramatic!"

Keke had her ear glued to the phone, as she listened to the couple bicker. She didn't know what could've taken place, before she called, but none of that mattered, their argument was entertainment enough.

"Okay, I'm sorry about that Keke, what's up?"

"Damn girl, I forgot what I was about to tell you. Are y'all two doing alright over there?"

"Deja is just being dramatic, he'll live."

Keke chuckled, "okay."

"So what's up? Why you called me?"

"I called you, to make sure that everything was still in order for tonight."

"Yeah, it should be. Do you need any help setting up at your house?"

"No, Kayla and I pretty much took care of that last night. I have Dana here at the restaurant with me. I'm going to take her out shopping after we both get off, and while I'm out, you two can check and see if there's anything else that needs to be done."

When Dana first introduced Keke to her sister and best friend, all three girls clicked instantly. That uncomfortable vibe Kayla once got from Randi, did not occur with Keke.

She was cut from a completely different cloth. The difference between the both of them is, Keke was a real woman, she could stand on her own two feet and didn't need to hang around a group of girls, in order to make herself feel important.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now