•Chapter 1•

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*August 1992*
Jack Yates Senior High School
Houston, TX

Twenty Three Years Earlier...


"Alright class, please remember to study chapters two, three, and four for the test next Tuesday. And I also expect to have those term papers on my desk first thing Monday morning, you can leave now." Dana's English teacher Mrs. Hobbs waved her hand in the air, dismissing her class.

Everyone jumped at the chance to leave class, so they could head home, all except for Dana of course, she was the only one completely unaware that class was over.

It took for her best friend Shanteah to nudge her on the arm, just to get her attention, "Dana?"

Dana looked up from the notebook she'd been scribbling in, at Shanteah, "hm?"

"You ready to go? Class is over."

Dana lowered her eyebrows, had she really been spaced out the entire class period? "it is?" She questioned.

Shanteah glanced between Mrs. Hobbs, who was cleaning off the chalkboard, and Dana confusedly, "umm yeah, where has your mind been for the past thirty minutes?"

The answer was not even up for a debate. She just hadn't been paying attention.

"Are you ready to go?" Shanteah repeated.

Dana raised her hand slightly, so she could look at the time on her wristwatch. Sure enough it was five past three o' clock, "umm yeah."

"Let's go," Shanteah latched onto Dana's hand and pulled her out of her chair, just as she was grabbing her backpack from off of the floor.

Shanteah stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to Dana, "you need a ride home today?" She asked, while trying to balance her backpack on her shoulder with one hand.

"No it's okay, I promised Delando I would meet him in the gym after school. So I'm headed there."

"Okay, well call me when you get home cool?"


The girls bumped fists, before going their separate ways. Dana to the gym, and Shanteah to her car in the school's parking lot.

As she was turning the corner to the gym, Dana noticed that half the school was empty. Just maybe her and a few students who had stayed behind for after school activities.

She'd arrived to the gym just in time, because the school's basketball team was just finishing up practice.

In less than two seconds flat, she was able to spot her boyfriend Delando, as he stood in the middle of the court holding a conversation with his twin brother Solomon, and a few other brothers from the team.

An involuntary smile crept across her face, something that happened only when she was in his presence, as she happily glided her way to him.

"Hey y'all!" She greeted with the sweetest smile.

Recognizing the familiar face, the boys reciprocated, "Hey Dana."

"Tootie!" Solomon shouted, as he placed an arm around her shoulder. He knew just how much she despised that nickname she received among friends back in the ninth grade. Yet, he was the only one who still called her by the name.

"Shazam don't call me that," Dana, now irritated, said as she pushed his arm away.

"Come on don't be like that," Solomon tried giving her another hug, but she wasn't having it.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now