•Chapter 6•

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*October 1992*
Houston, TX

With Corey secured on her hip, Dana followed Kayla inside of her house, both with at least two or three grocery bags in their hands.

Because the last week had been nothing short of difficult for Dana, Kayla decided to step in and help her the way a big sister should, and offered to let her stay with her.

She was surprised to find that her baby sister was out on her ass, with no place to go, and didn't even think to contact her, of all people.

That hurt her a little bit, but she knew better than to hold it against her. Dana had been through enough as it is.

"I'm sorry Dana, I just never thought I'd see the day, where my baby sister would be having a baby herself. Well at least not this early."

Dana placed the groceries down on the kitchen floor, and walked back into the living room. She sat cross legged on the floor and began playing with her two-year old nephew Corey.

"Well, believe it, because it's happening." She commented.

Kayla removed the groceries from the bags and nodded, "yeah I know, are you excited?"

Dana twisted her lips to the side and sighed, "let's see. I'm homeless, I have no car, no money to buy my baby anything, and on top of that my boyfriend is waaay on the other side of the U.S. So yeah, I'd say I'm pretty excited." The sarcasm was dripping from Dana's tongue.

She dropped her smile and eyed Kayla, "how do you think I feel Kayla?"

"Listen Dana, nobody ever said it would be easy."

"I wasn't expecting for it to be easy, I just never thought it would be this hard." Dana felt a slight tugging on her hair, but it was only Corey trying to keep his balance while teetering back and forth on his little feet.

She grabbed him by his little hands and kissed his chubby cheeks.

"And that little argument you had with mama was nothing. Me and Terrika had to go through that too," Kayla grabbed a big bag of Lays out of her grocery bag and opened it, "but T had it the worst, because her baby daddy wasn't shit."

Kayla, Dana, and Terrika were all raised the exact same way. With strict rules and in a God fearing home. All three got pregnant at a young age, but the difference was, Terrika and Kayla were already well established and were in college, by the time their kids were born.

Dana was the only one struggling, and not knowing her next move.

Dana scoffed, that wasn't a surprise to her at all. Maybe that was why Deborah had given her a hard time about Dino.

"When we were arguing, mama called herself sneak dissing Dino."

"Why did she do that?"

"I guess she thinks he's going to abandon me and the baby like a typical hood guy."

"Well can you blame her?"

Dana shrugged, "I guess not, but I can't have her dictating my life or my child's life."

"Good luck with that one." Deborah wasn't a control freak, but she was very strict when it came to her girls, only because she wanted the utmost best for them.

She didn't want them to turn out like those other girls on the block.

"Besides all that, how's the BD taking this?"

Dana didn't even want to think about Dino. She was still upset with him and hadn't gotten over the argument they had two nights ago. She hadn't spoken to him since.

Let's Just Make It(Book I)(Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now