"I love it when you do this."

"I love it when your cold."

I laugh softly.

"Are you still upset about yesterday?"

"Like you said it'll happen when it happens."

"That's my girl."

He kisses my forehead and that was the last thing I remembered until Dimitri was waking Dominic up.

"We stopped at a diner if you two are hungry."

"I think we're always hungry."

Dominic rolls out of the bunk and I follow him. We all walk out of the bus and I have no clue where we are.

The only thing along this highway is a gas station and this diner. I've watched way too many horror movies to think this is a good idea.

"You ok baby?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You've got a weird look on your face."

"Over thinking this."

"Come on."

He puts his arm around me and we all go in. The place is pretty busy so that's a good sign. We get sat in a large booth.

"So how long do you think it'll take Dominic to get Halloween preggers?"

Wow really Dimitri?


"What? At least I put it in a non vulgar way. Especially after hearing you through the walls."

"I've got a question. How come mine and Dominic's sex life is always a topic? Let's talk about yours Dimitri? You are banging my best friend after all."

Dominic starts laughing.

"Yeah how bout it cousin?"

"The reason your sex life is always a topic is because we all know about it. You're not quiet or discreet.

Dominic walks around with bleeding scratch marks and perfectly round teeth marks. If you do that to him! I can only imagine the marks he leaves on you Halloween."

Dominic just puts up his hand and I bust up laughing.

"Damn are you serious?"

"Yeah why do you think I sit funny."

We all laugh.

After our breakfast, lunch, dessert thing we were back on the bus. We've still got five more hours to go.

Lynn and I were laying in a bunk while the guys were in the back rehearsing.

"When am I gonna be an aunt?"

"I'm not sure. We've been trying for the past month but obviously nothing yet."

"Well I can't wait for it. You're gonna look so cute with a little baby bump."

"I'm kinda worried that when I do Dominic won't leave my side for a second."

"Why do you say that?"


You see how he is normally. He always wants to make sure I'm safe. I absolutely love him for that. I love that he's so protective of me.

But when I get pregnant it's gonna be times hundred! But I also know if I need him to get me some kind of wacky craving at three in the morning, he'll go get it."

"You've got an awesome husband October."

"You ok? You sound sad. Is everything ok with you and Dimitri?"

"I don't know. Someday's will spend all day talking then the next he won't say no more then two words to me."

"Have you talked to him about it?"

"Every time I try I chicken out."

"Afraid of what he'll say?"

"Oh yeah."

"I was the same way at the beginning but now I tell him everything.

Do you think the whole baby thing might be what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like Dominic and I are married. You two aren't yet. Dominic and I are trying to get pregnant. Dimitri might have a commitment issue."

"Yeah that's possible. I was looking at a bridal magazine at the dentist then he got all weird."

"Just talk to him Lynn. When we get to Biloxi go to your room sit him down and tell him everything."

"You're right bestie. I'll tell him everything."

"I'll be there if you need me."

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