50: Tainted in Red

Start from the beginning

As he says so, you quickly gathered all the strength you had left and came to him. The bullets had long fired, but you soon came to notice the guns pointed by the enemies that surrounded the both of you. There were only ever five of them, but you were very much aware of their capabilities, especially with the guns they had at hand. Your blood ran cold when Anton came out of a car. Fury ran through your veins once he was in full view. He was smirking.

It's all his fault.

"You have nowhere else to run, mon ami," Anton then taunts, "All of your men have either surrendered or died."

You grimace at his words.

In the meantime, Francois had long readied his gun. An arm wrapped securely around you as the other gripped his weapon. At this, Anton nearly collapses as he cackled rather obnoxiously. His arms then opened wide and gestured to the vast forest around all of you. "You can't escape," Anton drawls, "I can kill you here right now, and no one will ever know."

"So can I,"

The reply was short yet firm. You look up at Francois and see that his face was set fire in rage. Your stomach dropped at the events that followed.

Before you could do anything else, your boyfriend pushed you behind him. With your weakened state, you stumbled and fell on the ground due to the force of Francois' action. Bullets were fired and you regret ever looking. Francois had fired straight into Anton's chest before aiming for in between the eyes. Just as any of the deaths you had witnessed, Anton's eyes dulled as life fled from his body.

Anton's men were quick to pull their triggers, but to no avail. By the time deafening silence reigned over the forest, Francois was standing in the midst of bodies as though he was Death. The snow was stained with that haunting red hue. From afar, you could faintly see his hands shaking, but he was heaving with a wrath unlike any other.

The weight of Francois' involvement with crime has once again dawned on you. Not once did you imagine beholding this side of him—the side that made him a ruthless murderer; the true act of a Mafioso. "Francois?" your voice trembled as you spoke. You were undoubtedly traumatized by everything that has happened. You didn't know what else to do.

Francois somewhat comes to his senses and turns around to you. The moment your eyes met, you shuddered. His eyes. They were as cold and unyielding as the snow around you.


A scream tries to crawl its way out of you at the sensation brought upon by the blade embedded in your stomach. Alas, it fails miserably and dies in your throat from the lack of time given to you to progress the events that had just occurred.

You felt nothing at first, simply the initial shock brought by the man, but the scorching pain started to spread from the area like a blazing wildfire, finally making you realize that what had happened was, in fact, real. At the very least, the blade would've stricken something important within you. That thought of it alone made you envision Death watching back at this very moment to, soon, come and take you away. And that alone, was one of your greatest fears.

What about Allen? What will happen to him? You feared that your absence would send Allen on the wrong path once again, and you didn't want history to repeat itself. If Queenie really had been your past life, then it better be clear to everyone that you're not backing down without a fight.

Much more to your misery, the man harshly pulls out the blade and pushes you forwards. You fall on your knees, back hunched as you clutch your stomach. Tears welled up your eyes, stinging as you saw in blurs. Still stubborn, you hiss it all in and held your hand over the wound to stop the blood. Fuck, it hurts.

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