"We've got to go down and do some sound checks."

"Why so early?"

"You've got that new song Dominic."

"New song?"

"Thanks for ruining the surprise."

Dimitri laughs.

"So if you've got a new song that means I can't go with."

He cups my face with his hands.

"You know how I am October."

"I know baby. I'll see you in a few hours."

He kisses my lips softy.

"Dimitri I'm gonna hit the shower. I'll meet you guys in the lobby in about fifteen?"

I give him a look.

"Make it forty five."

I just smile.

Dimitri's starts laughing as he walks out.

"You're whipped Dominic!"

"As long as it's by you I don't care."

"Good. Now get your ass in the shower."

"Yes ma'am."

After our shower I was laying on the bed watching Dominic pack up our suitcases.

"How come I'm always the one that packs while you watch?"

"Cause you look so sexy doing it."

He chuckles softly.

"But if you don't get your ass up I'm gonna pack all your clothes."


"I'll take the suitcases with me. After the show the bus will be at the arena."

"Ok baby."

(Knock knock)

Dominic walks over to the door opening it up.

"Hey Lynn."

"Hey so since the boys are ditching us wanna go get some food."


I turn back to Dominic.

"Ok I'll see you in a few hours. Love you."

"Please be careful. Love you too."

He picks up our bags and heads downstairs. I look over at Lynn and she's looking at me weird.

"Um Lynn what's with the face?"

"How are you feeling today?"

"After I puked my guts out I feel better."

"Morning sickness?"

"Dude Lynn I'm not pregnant. I just drank too much last night."

"You shouldn't drink when you're pregnant."

"Dude shut the fuck up and take me to get a burger."

She just laughs.

We go to the front desk and check out. Dominic left me the rental car.

"Ok where do you wanna go?"

"Nothing commercial. We've got a Pizza hut in L.A."

We both laugh.

"Oh here's an interesting looking diner."

We pull into the parking lot and go inside. The hostess sits us at a booth. Few minutes later the waitress takes our drink and food order.

"Psst October the guy at the counter keeps looking at you."

"Great. As long as he stays over there."

"No such luck he's walking over."

"Excuse me ladies but are you October Kinkaid."

I put on my best fake smile.

"Um yes I am. Hi."

"I'm a big fan of yours."


I don't do much. Are you sure you're not a fan of my husband?"

"I mean yeah Asylum is a good band and all. But you're so gorgeous."

"Oh well thank you."

"Can I get a picture with you?"

"Yeah sure."

The guy hands his phone to Lynn and she snaps the picture.

"Hopefully I'll see you again at the concert."

I just smile.

The waitress brought out our food.

"I'll take care of there bill."

"Oh no it's ok. Don't worry about it."

"It'll be my pleasure."

He takes our bill and goes back to his seat.

"Well he likes you."

"Yeah you know I never get crazy ones like that when Dominic is around."

"Well duh. Dominic can be pretty intimidating."

"Yeah he can."

I hear my phone going off and I look at it. That guy already posted that picture and tagged me in them.

"Good thing will be backstage tonight."

"Fucking right."

After lunch we drove to the airport to return the rental car. We flagged down an Uber and went to the arena.

I showed security my I.D. and we went inside.

"Holy shit this place is huge when it's empty."

"Now to try to find the guys."

"This is gonna be fun."

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