Flowers Part 2 (Jason Todd x Reader)

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"You like the view?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Oh, uh....yeah." I stammer.

We bounce remarks between ourselves like a kid's rubber ball. I'm not sure if we really get wittier as the evening continues on or if it is just the effect of the liquor making everything seem so much funnier. My eyes rest on the opening door and the three boys which enter the restaurant. I notice the youngest boy in the group is the same boy Jason was looking for the other day.

"Jason...I think you have some friends looking for you." I say.

Jason turns around and looks at the group, catching their attention. The eldest grins and waves at us. Although he's attractive, he's not the kind of guy I fantasise about. The second boy looks like he hasn't slept in five days, his posture is slouched and his eyes seem to have no life in them at all. The youngest boy looks around with a look of harsh judgement on his face.

"Not friends, sadly family." He groans.

"Should we invite them over to sit with us?" I ask.

"I don't think we're gonna have a choice darlin'" Jason replies.

The three boys walk over, each with a mischievous glint in their eyes. I giggle quietly as the eldest and youngest of the boys basically shove Jason into the wall beside us. I slide over for the other boy and glance back at Jason.

"Who is this lovely lady?" the eldest one asks.

"This is (Y/N), we met at the florist and that's all you brats need to know." He says dismissively.

"So, you guys know my name...I would be delighted to know yours!" I exclaim.

"I'm Dick Grayson!" The eldest introduces

"Tt. I am Damian Wayne you should be familiar with me due to my fathers high status in society." The small boy says.

"Tim" The last boy grunts.

"Well, uh...It's awesome to meet you guys!" I stutter.

I open my mouth once more to continue the conversation but get cut off by an enormous roar and a blinding light. My head throbs as I look around, my vision blurry. I can hear muffled voices around me, I shake my head and regain my senses.

"GET (Y/N) OUT OF HERE!" Jason screams.

Most customers lay on the ground, some in a fetal position trying to protect their ears and organs, others splayed like rag dolls. Smoke and dust rise from the source of the explosion, filling the restaurant. The gang that enters the restaurant wear black masks, though the effect is the same as soon as they take them off. I notice how one man has left his mask on and his chosen attire for this task is a grey suit, which means that the man is the Black Mask. Whoever the members of his gang once were, boys and girls grinning on each Christmas Eve, they are buried deep, lost.

I turn to find the boys but see that Dick, Damian and Tim had managed to slip away in all of the chaos. The Black Mask strides towards us, his gun hanging loosely in his hand. I stand and glare at the masked man, letting out an annoyed huff.

"All I wanted was to have a nice night with a nice boy and it not being interrupted by some crazy psycho!" I exclaim.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jason whispers harshly.

"My apologies Miss (L/N) but Jason and I have business to attend to." Black Mask informs me.

"Not happening asshole!" I reply.

"It would be wise not to anger me Miss (L/N)..." Black Mask warns.

I roll my eyes and walk towards the man. I wasn't thinking when I let out my boiling antipathy and swung my tight fist, too quick and potent, into Black Mask's defined jaw; the impact like thousands of venomous blades piercing apart my clammed fist. It leads me to only one conclusion: that it hurt. I watch in shock as Black Mask falls to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Ok, we gotta go sweetheart..." Jason mutters.

I feel him gently grasp onto my arm and pull me out of the restaurant. I glance at the hand which had hit Black Mask, a large purple welt already forming. Once again I feel as if my senses are dulled, Jason's words are muffled and my vision blurring. What the fuck did I just do? I look around the street, noticing three figures approaching the restaurant on the rooftops. I take a deep breath and calm myself down. The cold night air causes me to shiver, I let go of Jason's hand and wrap my arms around myself.

"Here." Jason mumbles.

He wraps his leather jacket around my body and rests an arm on my shoulder. Love is when you care about someone more than you care for yourself. When you want the other person to have everything they want to have. It does not matter how destructive it is, how it hurts you. It's love. It's worth fighting for. When you love someone, you don't stop loving them. Never. Not even if people call you crazy and stupid and tell you that you should let it go. Especially not then.

Batboys x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя