Chapter 64: Two Birds, One Stone

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Shaun was sound asleep in his crib, Megan was downstairs laying on the couch watching some weird early 90's cliche romance movie. Billy was outside with Jack having a cigarette, and I was misting my face with setting spray to prevent any of my makeup from running. I haven't worn a full face of makeup since before I got pregnant, so I was going to do whatever it took to keep my makeup on tonight, especially after how long it took me to do my makeup.

A satisfied smirk crept across my face as I looked myself over in the mirror, "Not bad, not bad, if I do say so myself."

Before I left the bathroom, I put all of my makeup away and cleaned up around the sink. Becoming a mom has made me become a clean freak. Billy hasn't bitched about how long I'm taking to get ready yet, so I'm in the clear to clean quickly before getting dressed.

"Almost ready or what?" Billy called from downstairs.

Frowning, I sighed in annoyance.

Spoke too soon.

"Yeah, give me five to get dressed," I called back, "For fuck sakes..." I muttered under my breath.

After what seemed like forever, I eventually decided on an outfit to wear. The outfit was "fancy", probably too fancy for whatever it was that we were going to be doing, but, fuck it, I decided to wear it anyway.

Carefully, I held my perfectly straightened hair - that took a half hour to achieve - and pulled on a red tank top. Then, I pulled on a black, above the knee, pencil skirt. I stood in front of the full length mirror in our room and pursed my lips, impressed at what I was seeing. I clean up well.

Finishing the look, I slipped on my infamous black pair of heels that I had worn the night Billy and I first hung out by ourselves and made out on the hood of his car. A small smile formed on my face as I reminisced about that night.

"Ready," I called out as I made my way downstairs.

Megan whistled as I reached the last step of the stairs. She sat up on her elbows and stared me up and down, "Damn, mom, you clean up well."

"Oh God... not you too," I groaned at the 'mom' nickname. "Thanks though,"

"Can you even walk in those?" Megan asked, nodding down at my feet.

I clicked my jaw to side, "Yeah, surprisingly."

"Shaun's bottles are in the fridge, heating instructions are—"

"Amber... I know. I took care of him while you were gone, remember?" Megan reminded me, staring at me wide eyed.

"Sorry," I breathed, "you're right."

"Go, have fun...he will be fine." Megan assured me.

"Thank you again, Meg. You've spent all this time with him just to do it again tonight—"

"Amber... he's fine, everything is fine." Megan reassured me, "Go!"

Nodding slowly to myself, I finally did just that. Just as I was about to open the front door and step outside, the door swung open and in came Jack with a warm, welcoming smile on his face and his blonde hair styled messy. There was always something about Jack that made you realize that there is still decent human beings around the world. He just seems... I don't know... so... so innocent? So young and naive? Yet been through so much?

Hell, I'm young and naive if anyone here is. I'm almost twenty two years old and going on thirtyfive with all this stress and shit I've been through. I may still be young but I feel like I've been through enough that it's mentally aged me a lot older than I actually am.

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