Chapter 46: Face to Face

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"Don't fuckin' let me down, Jack" Billy barked, ripping the phone away from his ear and shoving it back down inside his pocket.

Billy could only hope that Jack would make it to Amber before anyone else could. His heart was pounding against the inside of his chest, his mouth was dry and his thoughts were racing. The cool spring air was almost soothing against his flushed skin as he continued to run. Why he left his beloved car behind at home was beyond him, maybe he was afraid something would happen to it, or maybe he knew well enough that something was going to happen tonight and either which way tonight ends his car can't be there.

This was his fault, his fucking doing. All of it and everything that was about to take place at the abandoned mental hospital, was his fault. Everything from his past - all the wrong he had done - was now coming back to haunt him. He knew life was going too smoothly, he knew something like this would eventually catch up to him, he just never imagined it happening almost immediately after meeting Amber. The girl who's clueless to what's about to happen as she sleeps back at home dreaming of the baby who's due to come out into a world that doesn't deserve it.

Hell, neither of them deserve to be stuck in the middle of the life that he leads. She's got so much potential to find better, do better but yet here she is, pregnant with a complete fuck up's kid. Bones was right, how the fuck could someone like him think for even a moment that he could raise a child. I mean, obviously he could, given the fact that Bones somehow managed to raise Billy and Joe on his own when his mother fucked off. But look how they grew up.... who was Billy to think that he'd be able to raise a child any differently.

Bones created Billy... Billy shuddered at the thought of how much worse his own child would be being brought up by Billy.

It'll catch up to you someday, Billy Darley. All the horrible things that you've done will come back to haunt you! Billy shook his head, trying to rid her voice from his thoughts.

She was right, of course she was fucking right, she always was. She being the girl of his past. What would she think of the man that he is now? Would she even be surprised? Would Kori remind him what he already knew? Would she warn Amber? Would she see that he's trying and forgive him for what's happened in the past? Probably not because even he deep down wishes he could somehow turn back time and stop himself from doing the horrible things that he had done to her. Maybe that's why he is the way that he is now when it comes to Amber... trying to make up for what he's done in his past.

Sadly, no amount of guilt is going to ever erase the past.


Charlie slowly swung open the doors, carefully catching them and guiding them shut in hopes of not drawing any attention. He held the shotgun firmly and stared around the dark hallway of the mental hospital; a light that had fallen from the ceiling blinked as it hung in place by a few strong wires, papers and garbage all over the floor, and a lot of graffiti spray painted on the walls throughout the whole mental hospital from what his eyes could register in the dark.

It took Charlie a few moments for his eyes to adjust, it was so dark in there. He clicked his jaw to the side and tried to focus on any kind of sound. All he could hear was the buzzing/humming sound coming from the light that was hanging by a 'thread'. Charlie gulped as he heard someone shout from one of the higher levels upstairs in the mental hospital. They obviously heard what just happened and they obviously know he is there. Charlie turned his head in the direction that the sound was coming from and turned the safety off of the shotgun. His heart raced as he slowly tip toed up the stairs towards the direction where the yelling was coming from.

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