Chapter 38: Ultrasounds and Guns

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Another few weeks had gone by, Thanksgiving included. Billy and I have been closer than we've ever been before. Life is still hectic given what Billy does for a living but I now somehow manage to sleep without waking up worried if today's going to be the day that I get the call that Billy's been killed or something horrible along those lines. I've been spending a lot of time with Billy, going with him to do his sales - which usually I didn't like doing but... he always got me burger king or some kind of fast food first so... my pregnant ass ain't complaining.

My stomach had finally started to show the bump everyone's been patiently waiting for. Christy has been a few months sober which was surprising considering she went out on Halloween with Megan but apparently she didn't do drugs or drink so I guess that's good.

Overall, things seem to be going okay especially after everything that happened this summer/this fall. Well, all except this fucking detective who hounded me for questions and whenever she sees me, she makes sure to repeat herself telling me that if I'm ever in trouble or see anything going on, to call her. She apparently has known Billy since he was a kid and though he's been in trouble - a lot - she's always had a soft spot for him/kept an eye on him. Her name is Jessica Wallis, Detective Jessica Wallis.

I'm starting to get stressed, she knows something's up... she knows something went down with Billy's gang and Charlie's gang. This woman is too smart, she's on to us and whether it's classified as 'betrayal' to Billy and his boys, I'm gonna keep on this bitch's good side. String her along, keep her updated on little shit and hopefully don't get my head blown off in the process or behind bars.

Fuck. My. Life.

"Look, what I'm trying to say is... I know for a fact that these two deaths are coincidental." Wallis said pausing to take a sip of her coffee.

"What does this have to do with me?" I sighed, staring at the clock and bouncing my knee up and down.

"You look like you're nervous."

"I am." I admitted, sighing, "I'm suppose to be grocery shopping not hanging out with my new detective buddy.

"Believe me when I say, I know how the boys work."

"Oh yeah?"

"Billy looked after one of mine, I'll look after one of his: YOU." Wallis leaned forward and pointed in my face.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, confuised at what she had just said.

"You don't know?" Jessica giggled in disbelief, shaking her head and standing back up straight. "I'm a lot closer to home than you think, baby girl."

"Bodie...?" I guessed, feeling like a piece of shit due to my assumption going off of the fact that both Bodie and Jessica were black.

"Bingo." Wallis confirmed, "Baby brother. Just like Joey was Billy's baby brother."


"I got out. Made something of myself." Jessica cut me off, turning and looking at me, "Making the right choices instead of climbing into bed with the wrong ones."

"When's your due date?" She asked, changing the subject at notice that I was staring down at my feet in shame.

"April 19th." I replied softly.

"It's not just you that you have to watch out for now." Wallis sighed sitting down in front of me, "If Billy started a war... God help you."

"He didn't die Amber." She admitted, finally getting to the point.

"What? Who? I don't know what you'r-"

"Cut the shit and listen. I'm telling you this as a sister of the gang not a Detective. Charlie did not die. My team didn't find any trace of Billy or the boys... but I know for a fact that they did this. Charlie is alive and out. I don't know where and I don't know what he's doing but I know he's alive and he will be coming after Billy, Bodie and the boys." Detective Wallis explained.

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