Chapter 54: Each to Their Own

Start from the beginning

"Billy... Who told you about what happened at your place?" Megan asked.

"The same fucker that hired em,"

Bodie and Jamie became tense. Megan cocked an eyebrow and stared at Billy in confusion. Bodie scratched the side of his neck before walking over to Billy and standing next to him.

"You gonna tell me what the fuck it is ya got on your mind? Or is it gonna be like when ya fuckin' told me someone stuck Joe?!" Billy shouted at Bodie.

"Did that same mother fucker tell yo ass what the fuck happened to ya girl, dawg?" Bodie hissed, becoming hostile.

Billy's jaw tightened and in Bodie and Jamie's eyes, Billy looked the same right now as he did when Bodie told him about Joe being dead. Megan became nervous as Bodie glanced over at her and then back at Billy, who was now fuming mad.

"Where the fuck... Is Amber?" Billy said slowly, trying to stay as calm as his Darley roots would allow him to be.

"She's back in Michigan with Christy, visiting her family. Her dad's cancer is getting worse..." Megan explained, taking the initiative to tell him.

Billy closed his eyes and sighed in relief, "When is she coming back?"

"We ain't sure, dawg. Her, Christy and the kid left the day after getting out of the hospital." Bodie answered, shrugging.

"What?" Billy hissed.

"You really don't know?" Jamie asked, finally speaking.

"What the fuck are you cocksuckers hiding from me?!" Billy roared.

"While yo ass was playing real life Cowboys and Indians with ya fuckin' childhood buddy, that same mother fucker sent home invaders into your house-"

"I know that! Ya fuckin' idiot! I wiped all three of em out!" Billy shouted back, not caring if Megan heard him say that or not.

"Everything that occurred that night... Jump started her labor. The doctors had no choice but to do an emergency C-section" Megan blurted out.

Billy slowly turned his head over to Megan. His nostrils were flared, his jaw was clenched and it didn't take a genius to realize that his blood was probably boiling to the point where he was going to explode at any given moment.

"What happened to my kid?" Billy asked flatly, so low that they could barely catch what he had just asked.

"He's okay... Shaun's okay. He was in the hospital for quite a few weeks... But he's okay now." Megan explained.

Billy spun around and pulled his right arm back and slammed his fist into a nearby locker, denting the locker and busting open the skin on his knuckles. Chop barked at Billy's sudden rage outburst.

Bodie shrugged, not really knowing what else to say, "Sorry, dawg. We thought you was dead."

Much like when he had found out about Joe, Billy didn't say anything more. Instead, he just left the shop, got in his car and sped off, sending rocks flying.


"A toast, to the greatest people alive!" I announced, raising my beer up high. "Without you three ladies, I wouldn't be the pain in the ass I am today!"

"I can drink to that, you sarcastic ass bitch!" Julia replied clinking her beer bottle against mine.

Sasha and Christy both looked at each other and shrugged, raising their glasses up as well, "Cheers!"

"Oh my God!" Sasha gasped as The Ying Yang Twin's "Whistle while you twerk" started to play throughout the club we were at. "I love this song!"

"I know this song..." Julia mumbled.

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