Chapter 7: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"Fuck you." Megan chuckled.

"Fuck you too." Christy snapped jokingly.

"That's my shirt." Megan stated, nodding her head towards Christy's shirt.

"And that's my shirt that you're wearing." I interrupted Megan.

"Yo! Christy!" Bodie shouted from his table, "What are you waiting for?! Bring those fucking shots!"

Christy rolled her eyes and picked up her tray and glared at Megan, "This isn't over."

"Yes it is." Megan replied with a wink.

They were both obviously just bugging one another and weren't actually mad at each other. I like Megan. We've grown quite close these past few weeks and I find myself spending a lot more time with Megan that I do with Christy... and Christy is my 'best friend'. Overall, I enjoy having both Christy and Megan as my roommates. They make my dull life not so dull.

"Christy! Come on! Fuck!" Baggy shouted from the table as well.

"Ah shut up! I'm coming!" Christy barked in annoyance as she stormed out from behind the bar and back towards the table Joe and everyone was sitting at.

I shook my head before slouching forward and leaning against the bar while I began to doodle on the notepad some more. Megan finished her drink and sighed loudly as she pulled out some cash from her wallet and handed it to Ramona. Megan sighed again, this time a bit louder and more dramatic than the last sigh. I didn't think anything of it, so I just continued to draw random broken hearts. Megan cleared her throat as loud as she could, making me snap my head up in her direction.

"Finally." She muttered, "I'm going to go to the bathroom and call Jack."

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

Megan shrugged, "Yeah... I miss him. It's killing me."

"Go!" I insisted, holding my hands up and 'shooing' her away towards the bathroom.

"Wish me luck!" She called out at me as she walked towards the bathroom.

A huge grin spread across my face as I suddenly felt happy for Megan. It's clear that she really loves this guy and from what she's told me, she dumped him for a really stupid and insecure reason. But who am I to judge anyone of their relationship choices. I spent the last year with an abusive, controlling, asshole and then I move here and made out with a drug dealing, womanizing, gang lord. Again, I'm the last person on this earth to be giving someone else shit for their relationship problems.

As I was drawing another zombie hooker, seven $20 bills were tossed carelessly on top of my notepad. Confused, I slowly looked up and stared at Billy who was standing in front of me, a lit cigarette dangling in between his lips. I don't know what it was with Billy, but just having him stare at me made me nervous.

"What's this?" I asked in confusion as I picked up the bills and held it up at him.

Billy stared at me in annoyance, as if he expected me to just automatically know why he was giving me all this money. I popped my hip and stared at him wide eyed, waiting for him to reply. Billy squinted his eyes and shook his head at me slightly, "That's your fuckin' tips that Sammy owes ya."

My mouth fell agape as I looked down at the money, "From three weeks ago?!"

Billy ignored me and ripped the cigarette out from in between his lips and leaned forward, grabbing a clean beer mug from behind the bar and ashing in it. I scoffed, I just finished cleaning those!

"How did you..." I started.

"Christy said that you were bitching about Sammy ripping ya off from your tips." Billy replied dully. "Shitty way to be thanking me."

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