Chapter 67: The Wedding Zinger

Start from the beginning

"Just wait right here," he said, making no efforts to cover his naked body as he hurried outside the room.


"So what did you have to go get?" Tabitha asked, interrupting Alex's story for what felt like the millionth time. "Also, can you skip over the sex stuff? I'm your sister."

"It's pivotal to the story," said Alex. "Now please. Stop interrupting me."


When Alex returned, Julie had already grabbed her phone, with its full battery, and was checking her many missed calls and messages. So many of them were from Shawn. He hadn't heard from her all day and was getting worried. He wished her a Happy New Year and sent her kiss emojis at midnight. She didn't respond to any of it because she'd been too busy screwing her ex.

"Shit..." she murmured.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, spooking her.

She jumped up, dropping her phone on her lap and then noticing Alex was carrying a couple bags of chips and sodas. 


"That's what you went to get?" asked Tabitha. "I thought you were getting something incriminating, like security footage of her in your house to use against her or a picture of her naked on your bed?"

"Have you not been paying attention to anything?" Alex asked. "Why would you think that's where this was headed?"

Tabitha shrugged, "I blocked out the sex parts and along the way other stuff may have been lost, too. But please, continue."


"That's what you went to get?" Julie asked.

Alex shrugged nonchalantly, climbing into bed with her and saying, "I'm really hungry and I didn't want my stomach to be grumbling the whole time we talked. Plus, I know how you get after sex. This is mostly for you."

Despite her confusion, that sour expression transformed into a smile as she reached for her Coca-Cola and opened it, taking a quick chug and then letting out a heavy breath. She touched her throat and said, "Ahh, that burns. It's so good. Why is coke so bad for you but so good you can't help it?"

Alex stared at her and she realized what she had just said. Then the two of them burst into laughter.

It went on for several minutes before Alex wiped the corners of his eyes and forced himself to stop. Julie stopped, too, and he said, "We're so fucked up. Not just for laughing at that but also... Just everything we've done. To ourselves, to other people, and especially to each other. And for doing this and being together while you have a boyfriend."

"A fiance, actually," she said as though it was nothing.

He turned to her, shocked.


"Wait a minute," Tabitha said, her attention now fully on his story. "You knew?"

"Yeah," Alex nodded. "She told me right there and then."

"Why?" Tabitha asked. "And why didn't you..? I'm so lost."

"Well..." Alex began again.


"You're engaged?" Alex exclaimed. "To Shawn? Since when? How? Why? I'm..."

"Since, like, yesterday," said Julie rather bluntly, taking a quick sip of her coke. "Or day before that, technically. I had sex with him and he proposed."

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