"Yeah we went for a jog."

"In a skirt October?"

"Ok Dominic went out for a jog and I drove him back."

Jill laughs.

"Ok kids sit down I made strawberry pancakes."

"Good thing I went jogging first."

I hear October giggle.

"Mom where's dad?"

"Oh he had some last minute papers that needed to be signed for a case he's working on."

"Breakfast was delicious Jill but I need a shower."

I kiss October's forehead and go upstairs.

I stayed in the kitchen to help my mom clean up the kitchen.


"What mom?"

"I don't see how that young man can be so polite and sweet. Obviously he's good to you. But has father like that."

"Oh I've wondered the same thing mom. I'm pretty sure that's because of his mom."

"It's a shame she's the one that passed away."

"Yeah tell me about it."

"I'm going out to my garden."

My mom loves roses. Well most flowers but roses are her favorite.

I go into the living room turning on my laptop. I decided to go through all my notifications when I came across an interesting picture.


I hear Dominic coming up behind me.

"Baby what's wrong!?"

"That bitch photoshopped pictures of the two of you together!"

"What? Are you serious right now?"

"Yes look! "Me and Dominic in Miami!" I can't believe this bitch!"

"I've got an idea. Come with me."

Dominic grabs my hand and we go into the backyard with my mom.

"What are we doing?"

"We're going live on Instagram."

"You're a genius!"

"Come on Jill you're gonna be in it too."

My mom stands up and walks to us. He turns on his phone and starts the love video.

"Hey Asylum fans. I'm here in beautiful Colorado Springs with my gorgeous wife and my new mother in law."

"Hey everyone."


"I'm fully enjoying my time off but I can't wait to see everyone for our spring tour. Later."

He turns off his phone.

"Now time to see how long it takes Doug and Candice to see that."

We all laugh.

No less then fifteen minutes Dominic phone starts to ring.

"Who is it?"


He denies the call. His phone rings again. He denies the call again.

I hear my dad pulling up to the house.

"Hey dad."

"Hey sweetie."

Dominic's phone rings again. My dad looks at me.

"It's Doug. We kinda did a thing."

"A thing?"

"Candice made a post saying Dominic was with her Miami she even went as far as photoshopping them together! So we went live on Instagram."

"And Doug's been calling me none stop since."

"How many times has he called?"

"Um I think that was number ten. I'm sure he's pretty pissed by now."

Dominic laughs.

"The next time he calls answer it."


"Because I'm gonna record him."


(Ring ring)

"Answer it."

Dominic shakes his head.

"About fucking time you answered! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Well hello to you too Doug. So what's wrong?"

"You posting that video!"

"What I'm in Colorado. Never been here before so I figured I'd make a post. Also with my beautiful wife and her family."

"That's another thing. How long are you gonna carry on with that shit?"

"What shit?"

"Your so called marriage. I know you're only staying married to that girl to piss me off."

"Well that is a plus but also because I love her and want to be with her. But since you brought up October I've got a question. Is the real reason you don't want me to be married to her is because you know she won't let you near her?"

"What the hell are you talking you?"

"You sleeping with Candice. You want me to be married to Candice because you think it'll improve my image. While you're sleeping with her behind my back.

October actually loves me and wouldn't do that to me. I'm staying married to the woman I actually love and actually wants to be with me for me. Not all the extra shit that comes with it. Candice is nothing but a whore."

"Oh is that so? You saw the pictures we sent you. Your so called loving wife cheated on you."

"Except she didn't. We were broken up at the time. Plus nothing happened anyway. She told me what happened as soon as we made up. If it has nothing to do with the band don't contact me."

Dominic hangs up his phone.

He looks up at me and I've got a tear rolling down my cheek. He puts his arms out to me and I sit on his lap.

"I meant everything I said October. I never want to be without you. That month that we were broken up I was miserable."

"So was I. I love you Dominic."

"I love you too October."

"I got the whole thing recorded. Dominic I love my daughter and I know you do too. Doug is going to do something to hurt her. The way he was talking he won't stop at anything to drive you apart."

"Yeah I sensed that too."

"Should I be worried?"

"Hey look at me October. I'll never let him hurt you."

"I believe you Dominic."

My mom came out of the kitchen.

"Dinners ready."

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