Chapter 18 - Phone Call Went Wrong

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Since this is a really short chapter, I'll post another one! :D Enjoy!

Chapter 18 - Caleb’s POV

“Are you serious?” I asked, extremely bubbled up with excitement.

My dad handed me a brand new iPhone.  Apparently there was a sale going on that made iPhones 50% off.

“I want you to take good care of this, son.  I feel like you’re finally old enough to handle this on your own.  Prove me right, okay?” he stated while giving me the charger to go with it.  

I gave my dad a big bear hug.  “Thanks a bunch dad!”

“Hey, now you get to call your girlfriend of yours, eh?” he teased.

“Yeah!  I’ll do that now!”

I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom.  Pulling out the note out of my pocket, I punched down Des’s phone number into my phone.  I didn’t care what her lame-o sister said about me not talking to Des, I was going to do it.

Ring, ring, ring.  

I patiently waited for her to pick up.  


“Hi, is this Destiny?” I asked, making sure.

“Yes, and this is?” she wondered, still confused.  

“It’s Caleb!  I miss you.”

I nervously ran a hand through my hair.  Why is this awkward?

“Oh.  Hey.”

I decided to ignore her dull tone of voice and talk about the positive things.

“So, how’s life over there in Indiana?” I started casually.

“Look, Caleb.  These past few weeks have been pretty rough, not being able to see you and whatnot.  I miss you more than you think.  We haven’t been talking much on Facebook either.  I know you’re probably just busy and stuff.”

“Des, listen to me and stop blabbing on.  What are you trying to say?  That we need to talk more often or what?” I asked, puzzled.  This should’ve been an extremely happy moment here.

“I’m just saying it’s hard for us to keep a long distance relationship for some reason.  Why haven’t you been making an effort to talk to me?” she asked, annoyance hinting in her voice.

I didn’t know how to respond to that.  I seriously have been busy.  I’ve been going out with another girl.

“Um, I’ve been busy,” I half lied.  Busy making out with that slut.  My mind immediately thought.

“Seriously?  You used to always be on.  I know it’s wrong for me to doubt you, but are you by chance, c-cheating on me?” she stuttered, with her voice cracking at the word “cheating.”

Shit.  How can I reply to that?  Honestly, I was cheating on her!  It’s wrong, I know.  I just knew I couldn’t leave her helpless and lonely like this.  Imagine all the tears she’s going to cry!

I sighed.  “Destiny, I don’t know how else to say this.”

“So you are cheating on me?  Or what?  What’s going on?  God Caleb, get to the freaking point!” she screamed suddenly, causing me to jump as well.

“Yes!  God dammit Destiny!  I knew a long distance relationship wouldn’t work for us!  I just can’t stand not being able to see you!  I decided to go for the next girl I saw.  Ugh, I feel like such an ass right now,” I exploded.  Whoa, I can’t believe I admitted everything that easily.

“I can’t believe I trusted such a big piece of shit like you,” she muttered angrily.  That was the first time I’ve ever heard her swear.  It was so unlike her.  Now I know how she feels when I swear.

“You have every right to be angry; I feel terrible.  I just want you to know, you were the best thing that ever happened to me.  If you were still here, we’d probably be together forever,” I spoke truthfully.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!  You freaking loser!  Out of all the people, I never expected you to be a cheater,” she spat rudely.

“And I never expected for an angel like you to turn into a bratty girl who only cares about herself.”

She didn’t say anything for a few moments.  Instead, she took a few deep breaths, obviously trying to calm herself.

“So that’s it?  We’re over?  I mean, not that I would take back an idiot like you after finding out you’ve been cheating on me.”

Dang, I really put her in a bad mood.

“Yeah, I guess so.  It was for the best.  There’s probably someone out there for you who will make you happier than I ever have.  We can still be friends if you want, though.”

She sighed, agreeing with me.

“Okay fine.  I just don’t know why you would do this to me.  Distance should mean so little if a person means so much,” her voice trembled.

“It’s just too hard for me.  Maybe we can try this again when we’re older.”

I walked around my room in a circular motion.  Nothing could be more awkward than this.  I just wanted to hang up and be done with her.

“Whatever tickles your peach Caleb.  If you want to give up on this, then go ahead.  We don’t have to try again.  Let’s just be done,” she stated firmly.

I exhaled a breath slowly.  I guess she doesn’t want to even be friends.  “Relationships often start in friendship, but ending in friendship, never.”  That quote totally applied to us at the moment.

“Fine, if that’s what you want.  Um, good luck to your next relationship,” I added.

I wonder how badly she’s going to take this.  Will she cry a river for me?  Will she be heartbroken for weeks?  Will she even care?  I feel so bad for this whole thing.  If only she didn’t move.

“Thanks.  You too.”

I heard a click at the other end.  The call ended.  That’s it.  No more Destiny.

A tear escaped my eye when I finally accepted I lost my everything.

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