Chapter 3 - Is This A Dream?

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Here's a longer one for you guys!  Enjoy <3 :D

Chapter 3 - Destiny's POV

As soon as I parked my car, I practically started running to my locker.  Today was the day I get to find out who Caleb likes.  I hoped and hoped it would be me, or someone good enough for him.  Caleb deserved the best.  

I stared at my U2 poster in my locker.  Believe it or not, but I started talking to the lead singer, Bono.  I only do this when I'm extremely nervous about something, or need someone to talk to.  "Bono, I'm scared.  I want to know who Caleb likes and I'm scared it will be some random girl under his league."  

"You really want to know?"  A voice said behind me.  I slightly jumped and turned around.  About an arms length away from me was Caleb.  I stared into his sparkly green eyes, mesmerized by his perfectly messy hair.

"Sure.  That's why I came here anyways, not just to admire Bono,"  I joked.

"Okay, I'm just glad you aren't after Chris Martin or anything,"  he stated while fake wiping off sweat off his forehead.  

"No, that's Ashlyn's husband!"  I laughed.

Caleb chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a hater against Coldplay or anything.  I'm in love with their song 'Yellow' by the way!"

"Wow, do you like dig Asians or something?"  I smirked.  "Actually, that song was written for his mother with liver disease or something.  I'd know, Ashlyn is in love with them."

Caleb gave me a toothy grin, big enough for me to see his braces.  This was something that didn't happen often.  Caleb was the shy guy, he didn't socialize with much people, and he didn't have many friends.  I was one of the few.  Also, seeing him smile or laugh, that was really rare.  I loved his laugh so much.  As a matter of fact, it was my favorite sound.

"Anyways, the girl..."  Caleb started.

I realized how much we got off topic.  That always happens when I talk to him. 

"Oh yeah!  I'm just curious of who the lucky girl must be!"  I said.

"Well, you're considering yourself lucky then,"  he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.  My palms started sweating and I'm pretty sure he could hear my heartbeats.

"W-what?  I'm the girl you like?"  I stuttered.

Caleb kissed my cheek and said, "Yup.  I even remember the day I first realized my love for you."

I smiled and gave him a hug.  "You don't know how much this means to me.  In case you didn't know, I like you too."

He stared into my eyes and took my hand.  "This would be a good time to ask but, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

My heart stopped right after he asked.  I was the happiest girl right at this moment.  I never dreamed for Caleb, my best guy friend whom I've liked since I met him, to ever like me.  I almost forgot to answer him as well!

I finally laughed and replied, "Yeah, okay!" 

We hugged and Ashlyn came out of nowhere to ruin the moment.

"Oh my gosh!  Are you guys together yet?"  She squealed.

Caleb nodded happily and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Ashlyn started screaming and going crazy.  "Yes!  Finally!  You guys are meant to be!"

We both grinned at her and decided it was time to head to class.  I felt Caleb nudge my hand and before I knew it, we were holding hands.  I loved the feel of his palm against mine.  I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart skip a beat.

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