Chapter 4 - Online Or Not?

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Caleb's POV :D

After I got home after me and Destiny's date, I was so overcome with feelings. I'm still wrapping my head around this all.

I actually told Destiny I liked her? She likes me back? This was too surreal.

I logged onto Facebook and waited for Destiny to come on. I started to daydream and thought back at the time we had to run a mile in PE.


"Ugh! I don't want to run the mile run. I'm so lazy!" Destiny complained to Ashlyn.

"I know right?! And after lunch too? I'm going to get a serious stomach ache," Ashlyn responded.

I was secretly listening to their conversation. I hated running too, maybe I could try to get Desting to run with me? I blew that idea right out of my head. I was too in love with her. There's no way she would have mutual feelings. All I was to her was a random kid who saves her and her best friend seats for class. I was the guy who would get friendzoned in a blink.

After we stretched, I heard Destiny groan.

"This is going to suck big time. I'm going to be all slow and in the back by myself," She warned Ashlyn.

"It's okay.  I was on cross-country anyway," she replied.

I knew this was my chance to get closer to her.

Our PE coach told us the rules for this. We'd have to run around the whole school twice, and that was equal to a mile somehow. "!"

Everyone started sprinting. Everyone except Destiny and a few others. I did my best to catch up to her, but she was too busy trying to catch up to Ashlyn.

I told myself that she'd eventually get tired, and maybe she'd come to me.

"! Ashlyn!" Destiny panted. She was so out of breath and she paused for a second on the sidewalk. I took this as my opportunity to run up to her.

"Oh hey Caleb!" She smiled.

I smiled back at her and said hi. She was still standing there, hands on her hips. Maybe she's waiting for you! My inner voice whispered.

I ran up to her and she started walking with me.

"Whew this is so tiring! I hate running, especially after eating," she said.

"Me too. I have a bad cramp too," I replied.

She giggled adorabley, and I stared at her.

"'s life? How's it like being Caleb?" She asked me with a grin.

Being the shy self I am, I responded with, "It's good. Yeah."

Destiny just smiled at me and I nervously smiled.

Out of nowhere we spotted a bunch of random little kids. They were on the playground and we walked past a bundle of them playing hop-scotch.

Destiny squealed at one of them. "Aww! Look how cute that one is! He looks just like Logan!" She went on.

I looked at him and couldn't really see the resemblance. Sure he had the spike and dark hair, but that was it. She totally dissed the one with blonde hair who looked exactly like me.

Destiny looked at me and said, "I think I'm ready to run again!" She started sprinting and I just smiled at her cuteness. She was just too cute when she ran.

All of a sudden, she turned around. I caught her eye and she laughed at me again.

"Come on Caleb! Stop being such a slowy!"

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