Chapter 2 - Confession Time

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Chapter 2 - Destiny's POV :)

"He said WHAT?"  Ashyln yelled in my ear.

"Calm down!  All he said was 'love you' nothing serious or anything,"  I muttered.

"Nothing serious?!  Destiny, don't you realize what  this means?  Caleb is finally confessing his feelings for you.  And he loves you!"  She went on.

"Ugh Ashlyn.  You don't know Caleb like I do.  He's like my best friend.  Well after you of course.  He only loves me as a friend, which means he only sees me as a friend,"  I tried convincing. 

"Des, stop acting like you don't know how he feels!  You and him are so meant to be.  But if you don't want to listen to me, then go ahead,"  she retorted as she crossed her arms.

"Fine.  And if you excuse me, I'll be on Facebook.  Caleb wants me to chat him."

I went downstairs to fetch Ashlyn's computer.  I was at her house, but I practically lived here.  I knew where everything was, whose room was which, and stuff like that.

I logged in and Caleb instantly chatted me.  

Caleb: Hey there :)

Me: Hi :D

Caleb: So I was wanna hang out again sometime?

Me: Sure!  I'd love to :)

Caleb: Okay :] Watcha wanna do?

Me: Hmm..idk something fun.  How about bowling?

Caleb: K sounds cool, you pick a day

Me: Wednesday night fine?

Caleb: Ya sure, fine with me 

Suddenly I heard a scream.  I ran upstairs to Ashlyn's room and stared at her with a serious pokerface.  "Dude, what the flip was that all about?"  I asked. 

"Caleb asked you out on another date didn't he?"  she wondered with curiousity.

"We're going bowling.  And no, it isn't a date,"  I stated glumly.

"Okay, because I was on your account and read your whole conversation.  It sure sounded like a date though."

"Ashyn,"  I started with a sigh.  "There's something I've been keeping from you." 

She looked at me and gestured for me to continue.

"I like Caleb,"  I muttered quietly and fast hoping she didn't catch it.  

Unfortunately she heard me.  "I knew it!  Oh my gosh Destiny, you guys are going to be a couple before you know it!  Then you're going to have a wedding and I'll be your maid of honor and you'll name your child after me and-" 

I stopped her before she could go on with her random future she planned out for us.  "Chill!  I'm not even sure he likes me, but this is just a small crush.  Probably a phase as well."

Out of nowhere I felt my face get contacted with her hand.  Ashlyn just slapped me?

"Get yourself together!  Caleb is in love with you!  I have no idea how you don't see it, but he does!  Jeez Louise Destiny!"  Ashlyn lectured.

"Fine, if you really think so, I'll just ask him myself!"  I threatened.

My best friend looked at me with eyes wide, as if she just witnessed me kicking a monkey.

Before she could stop me, I ran and got her computer and started typing as fast as my hands could.

Me: This is random, but do you like anyone? :P

Waiting for his reply seemed to take years.  I never been as scared as this for something as silly as his reply. 

Caleb: Yes, I like someone.

Whoa, who ever could it be?  Fighting the scared side of me, I nervously typed a response.

Me: Oh really?  Can you give me a hint? 

Caleb: Umm..I gotta go.  I'll tell you at school on Monday, okay?

Me: Okay that's fine :) Bye

Caleb: Laters :)

I inhaled and exhaled a few shaky breaths.  My heart was beating uber fast, and it felt like it was about to explode any second.

"So?  How'd it go?  What happened?"  Ashlyn asked behind my shoulder.

"He said he had to go, but he'll tell me Monday,"  I smiled at her. 

"Yay!  I'll make sure to give you two alone time then!"  She exclaimed.

"K thanks Ash!  I should get going, you know homework and stuff,"  I said.

I left her house and once I got home, I headed straight to my room.  I just need to think through everything.  Was I really ready to find out who Caleb likes?  Was it worth the depression if it wasn't me?

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