"I love you too."

We get to the club and Dominic gives Randy the keys.

"Hey boss lady."

I give Terence a hug.

I walk up to Jason's bar and he has his back towards me. So of course I gotta fuck with him.

"Man this place is a shit hole! Plus this bartender can't make a simple drink. What a douche!"

He turns around and I can tell he's pissed. "Look here bitch-"

 "Look here bitch-"

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I start laughing.

"Holy shit! Hey October!"

He jumps over the bar and gives me a hug.

"Hey Dominic! Congratulations you two!"

"Thanks man."

"Oh since you're here October take a good look at Elizabeth."

I look over at her and she's got a very noticable baby bump.

"I didn't know what you wanted to do."

"I'm gonna go back to the office. Tell her to come back in about 5 minutes."

"You got it superstar."

I walk back to the office and sit at the desk.

(Knock knock)

"Come in."

"Jason said you wanted to see me."

"Yeah I do. Take a seat on the couch."

"So are you gonna fire me?"

"Surprisingly no I'm not. I've just got a few questions first as not your boss."

"Like what my friend?"

"I don't think will ever be friends again Elizabeth. You slept with Travis right under my nose."

"Yeah well that seemed to work out for you. You're Mrs. Kinkaid now. While I'm 7 months pregnant with no father for my baby."

"Um did you say 7 months?"

"Before you caught us we had already been hooking up for about two months before that."

"Wow ok. And no father? What happened to Travis?"

"When I told him I was pregnant he left me."

"Honestly I'm not surprised. He told me he never wanted kids. I think that's why I never loved him. I knew we wouldn't of had a future together.

Ok now the boss talk. I'm pretty sure since you've been showing your tips have been less and less every night."

"Yeah. No one wants to flirt with the pregnant waitress."

"Well the club needs an accountant. I know how smart you actually are. So do you want the job? It pays $20 an hour."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah I'm serious. The one Jeff had quit after he got fired. Kinda makes me wonder why. So do you want the job?"

"Yes! Thank you."

"As of tomorrow night you are no longer a waitress. You may go now. Can you send Jason in please."

"Of course. And thank you again."

While waiting for Jason I sent Lynn a text to tell her about Elizabeth being pregnant.

"Hey boss lady you want to talk to me."

"Yeah come in."

"So what's up?"

"Ok first business talk. I made Elizabeth the new accountant for the club."

"Ok? Why?"

"Because she needs it for her and her baby. Travis is a dick and left her. Plus she's good at numbers and shit."

"Ok so I'm gonna need to hire a new waitress."

"That's fine. Ok personal talk. While I was in Vegas a woman called my cell claiming to be my birth mother and that she wants to see me again."

"What? Are you fucking serious?! What did you say?"

"Nothing. I actually dropped my phone I was so shocked. Dominic thinks maybe talking to my adopted mom might help."

"It might. What about your birth dad?"

"She didn't mention him. Or that little boy they traded me for. You're not him are you Jason?"

"No I'm not. My mom made me watch my own birth."

"Wait what? Why?"

I started laughing.

"We got into a fight when I was like 13 saying I hate her blah blah blah normal kid shit. So as a punishment I had to watch it."

"Oh my goodness!"

We both started laughing.

(Knock knock)

"Come in."

"Hey baby?"

"Oh hey Dominic

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"Oh hey Dominic. I think I've made a decision."

"About what?"

"That phone call. I think this weekend will go see my adopted parents."

"Cool where do they live?"



"Oh yeah. I haven't been there in 5 years. I haven't seen my mom or dad in 5 years!"

"Hey can you guys record the whole trip?"

"Shut up Jason!"

"Well ok baby girl this weekend we're going to Colorado."

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