The Way To Recovery (Jason Todd x Reader)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"I'd appreciate it if you guys answer my partner. Bullets are expensive these days and I don't want to waste any on your poor pathetic lives." The first voice calls out. 

"We will not answer you, we only serve Black mask!" One of the men shout.

"Oh shit, You guys are so screwed!" The second voice exclaims while laughing.

In a matter of seconds, their bodies lay like ghoulish mannequins, the esophagus and arteries sticking out like so much corrugated and rubber tubing. It looks as if a special effects team has worked overtime for some Friday the thirteenth movie set, but that smell... That smell could only come from recently slaughter animals. In this case, the animals were humans and their corpses are still warm, the blood seeping slowly from some and quickly from others. 

A scream tore through me like a great shard of glass. I feel my eyes becoming wider and pulse speed up, my heart thuds like a rock rattling in a box. The scream comes again, desperate, terrified... human. The blood drains from my face before I am even aware of making a conscious decision, my legs are pounding furiously on the ground. These men may be horrible people but they don't deserve to die this way. I have to help them! I notice the growing crowd of people beginning to form, many either recoding this or calling the police. But unlike me, the Gothamites keep their distance, too afraid to deal with this. I hear the crunching of gravel behind me, not the kind of continuous noise you'd get from a rolling car, but the short defined short crunches of footsteps. 

"Ma'am step away from the dead guys." The second voice yells.

My eyes widen and I sharply turn around to be met with the sight of Red Hood and Arsenal standing before me. I step away from the notorious vigilantes but Red Hood grasps onto my wrist and drags me to an ally-way out of the public view. Arsenal follows although confused but continues to ramble on, making small talk.

"What the fuck do you want Hood?" I spit.

Without a word, he reaches around and unclasps his helmet causing a hissing sound to be emitted. A gasp escapes my lips as I stare at the man who looks so much like the love of my life.

He has tousled black hair, which looks thick and lustrous. His eyes are a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light perform ballets throughout. His face is sharp and defined, his features moulded from granite. He had dark eyebrows, which slope downwards in a serious expression. His strong hands, slightly rough from working, hold mine as he stares deep into my eyes. 

"I'm back sweetheart," He says.

"What the fuck! Is this some sick fucking joke? How dare you try and mess with my head! I loved him!" I cry out.

"(Y/N), calm down! It's me." He reassures.

"You're dead!" I yell.

"On what was supposed to be our second date, we ditched the Wayne gala, stole some food and climbed to the roof so we could stargaze." Jason smiles.

"Don't! I don't know how you know about that but don't you put me through losing Jay again!" I yell out.

"On our third date, we went paintballing and had to spend three hours getting the paint out of your shirt afterwards. It was your favourite shirt." He urges.

"Jay?" I question.

There is something so warm, something that feels so right, smells right. I let my body sag, my muscles becoming loose. In the embrace, I feel my worries lose their keen sting and my optimism raising its head from the dirt. I feel him brush my hair back with his fingers and kiss me gently. His body was warm and toned as he hugs me, comforting to the touch.

"Ok guys, the cops are on their way and I don't feel like having another run-in with Dick and having him lecture us on our poor life choices! so you guys gotta either makeup or make out at home!" Roy interrupts.

"You're not angry?" Jason asks quietly.

"It's okay, I'm not mad," I reassure.

His smile etches its way onto his face. It is the first time I have seen him smile properly. It transforms him from someone menacing to someone completely harmless. His lips brushed my ear as he speaks softly as we walk to their transport. We walk like this for about five minutes before I speak again.

"Actually? You can go to Hell." I joke.

"Been there Darlin' and it ain't as hot as you!" He replies smoothly.

Arsenal pretends to gag while I restrain myself from giggling.

"Flirt!" I exclaim while punching Jason's arm softly.

Batboys x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें