Chapter 66: Honestly, I'm Freaking Out

Start from the beginning

"What?" she said. "I... We're getting married in less than a week. We need to talk and figure this out and I... I need a chance to explain everything to you."

"I don't wanna hear it right now," Shawn shook his head. "I just wanna... Grab some things and get some space to clear my head."

"But Shawn, it's not what it—" she started, but he was already heading up the stairs, ignoring her.

With a heavy sigh, she trudged back to the couch and flopped down beside Skye again. 

A sympathetic smile on her face, Skye said, "No luck, huh?"

"I just wish he'd at least listen to me," Julie responded.

"I'm sure he'll come around," Skye shrugged. "He'll calm down, come to his senses, and then talk to you. You'll explain everything and he'll understand and your wedding will be amazing."

"I don't know if he'll believe me," said Julie. "I wouldn't believe me."


Walking into the JV Records lobby nervously, Lyric stopped at Autumn's desk and said, "Is Quinn in yet?"

"Nope," Autumn responded. "She's gonna be out for a while, actually. Putting out fires, left and right. Figuratively, of course. But you're free to wait for her. I'll let her know you're here."

Lyric nodded and took a seat by Autumn's desk, pulling out her phone and staring at it.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Autumn. Lyric glanced up, nodding. "Am I a bad receptionist?"

"Huh?" said Lyric.

"Well," Autumn cleared her throat. "The old receptionist quit not that long ago and Quinn wanted me to take on the job and I thought I was good at being her assistant but then the leaks showed my performance review and... Quinn's comments weren't exactly great. So now I'm doubting my current performance at this job."

"I think you did fine in both things," said Lyric. "You're doing great. No need to doubt yourself."

Autumn forced a smile and said, "I'm kind of relieved I didn't get invited to this Sexy Gala thing. #SexyGalaHack was trending all night and I think it's probably still trending."

"Yeah..." Lyric nodded slowly. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to Quinn about. I may have said some rude things about her and Julie... and... John and... Yeah. It was dumb conversations with Isaac, just venting. I was upset that my music wasn't good enough and they were pushing more commercial, Julie-written music onto me and I was mean about it and... I just wanted to clear the air with Quinn. I don't want our relationship to suffer because of meaningless messages that were never meant to be public."

"Maybe she hasn't seen them yet," Autumn offered.

"Have you?" Lyric asked curiously.

Autumn scoffed, "Oh yeah. I think the whole world is currently into these leaks." After two seconds, Autumn realized what she'd said and quickly added, "Sorry. That doesn't help at all, does it?"

"No, you're right," Lyric shook her head. "She must've seen that among everything. There's no hope for me. I should've never ranted about her and Julie like I did."

"'Sup hoes," Carly chimed as she stepped out of the elevator, strutting towards them.

"You're in way too chipper of a mood for someone who just had all the private information on their phone leaked," said Lyric, surprised.

Carly shrugged. "Honestly, I'm like an open book. There's nothing those hackers put out that I wouldn't have put out myself." Turning to Autumn, she asked, "Is Quinn here? I just found out Can't Hold Us Down is getting a Top 5 debut and she promised an increase to my budget when that happened. I have new music coming and I wanna talk to her about getting me a good spot for the Met Gala crap. It's gonna be my very first one."

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